
I mean, for someone to irrationally assume someone voted for someone, is ridiculous, but it’s exactly the kind of thing Hilary supporters would say. Stop crying, and your reply makes zero fucking sense. Now, go find your safe space, and fuck your pumpkin.

No, the answer to your question to the commenters on this ridiculously liberal safe-space of a website, is no. I hate it, too.


Fuck, all you people are idiots. You bash Trump, and support her to the fullest. If you can’t see he’s and idiot not even fit to run his own business, while she’s as crooked as they come, and should be in fucking prison instead of running for presidency....you’re the problem.

Remember when this site used to review tech, in addition to non-tech related bullshit?

Thanks, snapchat, for logging millions of women’s faces for us!


Even if the phone isn’t involved, and you’re using some kind of idiotic dongle on dongle connection where both th charger and headphones are connected...my original math stands. You could fray your charging cable, and shove live ends in your ear and not get shocked. Now, place that same voltage and current on a super

I never mentioned laptop. I’m talking about using a wall plug. Honestly, person, I don’t think you’re an EE. You are not making any sense. In case of power adapter failure, the brick will either fail (and stop working) or the phone’s input power chipset will fry (or even just shunt the current).

Well there, fellow Internet commentor...you must not be very qualified.

As an electrical engineer, I am qualified to tell you that you’re an idiot.

I was driving through Shadyside (east of Pittsburgh) yesterday, and say a silver Ford with the same rig on top, spinning scanner sticking out the most. It was pretty cool to see, and the thing changed lanes like a champ, using a turn-signal and all.

While I cannot testify for the last 3 of your drones, I did have a parrot, and I can tell you you’re so wrong about those. Mine lost signal CONSTANTLY....

You new hack writers fucking suck. This is why I click any gawker site less and less...

Wow obviously you’ve never read foxtrot alpha, or have any common sense. Go read some of Tyler Rogoway’s stuff before you act like you know anything.

The fact that they have more stars than you shows how idiot these fuckers are.

Fuck you, Shep.

Fuck you, Shep.