
Sienar is based on Corulag not Coruscant.

This is clearly not a complete Virtualboy its missing the Nausea board and its onboard 10Kb Headache Drive.

@Arturo84: Its not even a buy for me unless it has zombies.

There is Official Halo megablocks. Be we all know how much Megablocks suck suck.

Its not called a silencer. Its a Supressor. Theres no such thing as a Silencer.

The Audio is really unsynced with the video.

I saw Sony Online Entertainment. Makes this a No-Buy.

These aren't done in Garrysmod. They're either done in the Source Recorder or a third party animation software.

They're Using "Dustbusters"? Awesome.

Is it just me or are these nicer than the McFarlane ones? Even the ones on the Reach Legendary don't look as good as these.

@Jellocakes: I think its more like they stole from Games Workshop all that they could asking or not.

After he murdered Abel, God saw that he was up to no good, making trouble in God's Holy Neighborhood. So Cain moved out cause he got scared to live with his Aunty and Uncle in Bel Air.

@Adam Whitehead: yeah it happens. Being a WHO fan myself I've tried to dredge up some of those older episodes but I think we all know how hard that is.

Didn't Enterprise do this with the Borg a few years ago?

If the Creators of the Lightsaber, think its too much like a lightsaber and issue a C&D because they think it acts too much like a lightsaber.....

People are sure going to be pissed when a couple of months down the road these preorder "exclusives" are going to be on sale for a few measly bucks or Microsoft Banana Dollars to anyone who wants them.

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: That was a hoax. Kotaku hasn't reported on it yet though sadly enough

So he used Star Trek music instead of Halo music? Also its a good replica for not being accurate.