
Primarily, anime is known as Japanese animation. Usually, for those who are interested in anime, or anything related to Japanese culture, there is a stigma, and those people are labeled as a “weeaboo,” a term created by 4chan. “Weeaboo” refers to a person who is interested in becoming Japanese, not

Primarily, One Night Stand is a game that simulates the interaction between two people who had a one night stand. You play as a male who does not remember what happened the night before with the female lying in bed beside him. According to Gita Jackson, “you’re tasked with figuring out how he got there from

Primarily, it’s interesting to see how other countries get influenced by a different culture and add their own spin to it to fit their culture. In the article “How Halloween Became a Thing in Japan” written by Brian Ashcraft, Japan is influenced by America’s Halloween holiday and remakes it to