
This game feels like a huge b-movie comprised of 13 year old fantasies.

In an article telling entitled "Education and Discipline in the Videogame Industry," AFM President Ray Hair declares, "The time has come for education and discipline," "within our ranks" as well as within the Video Game industry.

"partway through October"

I still lose it at the 'What am I willing to put up with today' Sonic '06 one.

What are you going to do ?

Politics? No, potties! Spotted in eastern China, this public restroom appears modeled after the the United States Capitol.

Shut up and eat your sushi, Ryosuke

A shark you say? Nope, can't say I've seen one. Haven't seen an octopus father either. Are you feeling alright?

"Shark! You've been spotted! Find some new cover!"

hidden the best way I know how

So disney owns pewdiepie? will he have to put the disney castle as the intro to his videos now?