Ray ray

If we don’t get pictures of Conte ever redding face, than Deadspin can go to sod. 

I love it! Reminds me of this:

Subaru fanboys disagree, or maybe I missed a joke and it went right over my head... gasket...

More like the rust has some floor.

Reader’s World Rocked When He Learns There Is Japanese College Football

Is there some available coach out there who has a secret plan for making James less good at basketball?

Well, time to put my money where my mouth is.

The one time someone didn’t erroneously say from Kansas. Goddamit.


“How could they let that get out??”

IDEA: buy one for yourself attach it whenever you park illegally and remove when you leave.

i win, next.

Record of Lodoss War is how you want your DnD campaign to go.