What PC wussie? You guys forgot Yee is Brady’s agent, and WEEI already pissed Brady off once just wanted weeks ago?
What PC wussie? You guys forgot Yee is Brady’s agent, and WEEI already pissed Brady off once just wanted weeks ago?
ooh... a car that I might take over a Subi... interesting!!!
get the Amazon version of apps, that would bypass the Google Play Services issue
get the Amazon version of apps, that would bypass the Google Play Services issue
well. Since the Capsule is still not GMS certified, it took some work for me to get my Capsule to work close to what I was imaging when I backed Indiegogo.
well. Since the Capsule is still not GMS certified, it took some work for me to get my Capsule to work close to what…
and the Sun is hot
wait... the 2nd stage is not re-used, nor is the nose cone
dude... Lithuania is nice... and their women... wow
where the hell is my FF7?????
I guess he believes he can go to heaven when the second coming arrives?
wait... a 15 year old cassette tape that didn’t degrade or get tapped over?
I’m guessing this doesn’t qualify for the federal or the state tax credits?
yes it does. I called Chase to book Norwegian Air Shuttle for my France Trip. easy peachy
I thought people know this already?
I actually sort of like the Tribeca
uh... 65mph @ 6 hrs = 390 miles an hour, then a break of 30 min to eat and bathroom while the truck charges. How much work are you pushing truckers for? They don’t need a truck that can go 1000 miles a charge.
I’d think most of the supercar manufacturers is quaking in their boots
Comb the desert!
Problem is, given these numbers, why the hell will you buy a Koenigsegg, Lamborghini, or Bugatti anymore?
There’s your storyline for Cool Running 2
oh for cry out loud. I always tell my kids that Santa is not real