Uh... This has being true for ages... American interests had always trumped (no pun intended) American value in foreign afairs
Uh... This has being true for ages... American interests had always trumped (no pun intended) American value in foreign afairs
oh god I just saw that... I read that word Bachelorette and didn’t give it a second look
I still don’t get it... its a slow day for me
Jared is a Jew, that’s why
She lives in Indiana with a Republican state government. She probably didn’t experience the improvements under Obama
It never hurt to have Google Translate downloaded and setup for offline mode w/ Chines English translations. It won’t be very helpful especially when trying out street foods or figure out menus, but its better then nothing.
This place is almost nothing but an empty facade. There’s so much real true old relics in the city there’s no reason to come to this place
we have to wait 2 years for the next season. Curses to the Gods
God damn it... you got my hope up
most of that must be stock/stock options. I don’t think Uber has $700mil in cash to throw around
let throw out all the FTAs while we are at it and impose high tariff on all imported vehicles
Wtf are you talking about? A xiphos is the correct weapon for Trojans
that dumb ass Sacramento Mayor Kevin what his face or his wife?
wait wait... where is this speed setting on Youtube?
sadistic lies aimed to discredit our brave and noble soldiers and the honor of the U.S. Military
War Hunto!!!
well... there’s just the fact that Beijing can afford it and chose to spend that money on the Olympics instead of other stuff, such as the environment
wouldn’t Tesla be a logical customer?
uh no... got snowed in that night while on the Greyhound going back to the Bay Area, had to wait till the next day to take a bus to Reno in order to fly back to go to work, then take a ski bus to Tahoe the next weekend to go pickup this damn Forester.
I still have nightmares of me driving to South Tahoe on New Years Day about 15 years ago in my Forester, the head gasket blew when I was still like 15 miles from Twin Bridges on the 50. No cell signal, engine overheating up the ying yang. Had to drive for 2 minutes then open the hood to cool down the engine until I…