I can’t shake this thought:
I can’t shake this thought:
I just had a thought: what happen to the election if Trump suddenly went crazy and kills Hillary?
Except Gowron is dead. Martok is Leader of the Empire
I have an old one if anyone want to buy it off me :)
I have an old one if anyone want to buy it off me :)
Well, we didn’t went stupid like LSU
As I like to say this week, at least we didn’t fall as hard as Notre Dame
Are you nuts? We don’t want him
anyone got a count of how many teams, how many players has the raisedfist and/or kneeling over the opening week?
so, did the SFPD union said anything of this case?
Taiwan has being doing these types of puppets shows for decades
I am... actually interested....
except the CPBL is a lot older then Fox Sports
I’m just going to stream the replay (I hope its there) from NBC’s app onto my TV when I get home
I wish the Volt is a proper sedan, or even a proper coup size. I loved the drive, but hate the size
also because the Marlins has 3 top notch young OFs, so Ichiro can’t get on the field enough, hense the hope of getting him to a good team that can use him at OF
(just the cynic in me)
he should’ve stay in LA
I see a $50 gift card bundle for the Moto G4 Plus 64GB
I see a $50 gift card bundle for the Moto G4 Plus 64GB
1) the GoFundMe is for money to help support Santo’s family while he is out of commission and can’t make money