Ray ray

I’m ok with Todd taking a settlement provided NCAA opening admits fault and apologize to him. Todd had been through enough

Don’t forget Toyota

Bruce Buffer is speechless :D

I hated the 200’s handling and small side mirrors when I drove it as a rental a few months back. Made me feel unsafe

Can Hough even sing?

seriously how does essentially carpet bombing Syria is suppose to be helpful? Russians and French are killing civilians just as much as ISIS is doing. What’s the different besides some people thinks it is legal and while others do not?

This is not the end of Rousey, but it will be the end of Glendale Fight club

or General Skywalker Organa-Solo

I figure if the mainstream LDS won’t accept them, there are other mormon sects like The Community of Christ, for example, with far more progressive views on LGBTQ that they can become members of.


absolute sham of a coaching staff

just... wow...

1) Japan did some seriously F up things doing the War, of which they have never apologized for, and still plenty of f*tards need to answer to

can I stream Chromecast through it?

can I stream Chromecast through it?

This explains the reasons for the pay disparity very well

no, all planes need a vulcan cannon spitting out depleted uranium shells

why would VW care? these are cars from the China branch if I remember right, which VW doesn’t even have majority share in

All I can think of is the Juneu Shinra march from FF7