absolute sham of a coaching staff
just... wow...
1) Japan did some seriously F up things doing the War, of which they have never apologized for, and still plenty of f*tards need to answer to
can I stream Chromecast through it?
can I stream Chromecast through it?
This explains the reasons for the pay disparity very well
no, all planes need a vulcan cannon spitting out depleted uranium shells
why would VW care? these are cars from the China branch if I remember right, which VW doesn’t even have majority share in
All I can think of is the Juneu Shinra march from FF7
I wonder if this dumb dumb knows the following words are not English either?
Not to mention the fact that USC and UCLA don’t pad their schedule with FCS schools
“Brody”??? who the heck is “Brody”?
holy cow... RIP Piper
I’ll just treat what you said as hearsay for the time been then. Simply put:
Please point to an article, interview, etc. that said “Rousey admittedly left [145] to avoid Cyborg”
yay!!! more chance for $$$ and corruption!!!
this look very Gundam-y
great... one less worthy daily show to watch on ESPN
Most importantly... FF7 REMAKE