Ray ray

Zeta Gundam is the best, bar none, hands down.

I have my pitchfork and torch ready... who's with me??

are you nuts? Ray Allen's 3 from the Finals was the most insane...

that the first time I ever saw the term "chigger"...

Are these ships build in Azerbaijan only sailing on the Volga and the Caspian Sea? I being trying to figure out whether there are any water routes for these boats to go out to the open sea?

which gang does this sign belong to?

I would like to know why the Ravens are screaming bloody murder about their lost?

I'm glad I watch Jeopardy! on my local ABC station then

Well, they be speaking Egyptian, theoretically... there's no such thing as "Arabic" at that time. Egyptians are also not Arabs. If the Passion of the Christ can fill theatre with a movie filmed in Aramaic and subtitle... why not?

I vote for Stockton

someone died in Ferguson. So.... still Ferguson

how is McAfee not crapware?

does anyone above this post realize "sarcasm"?

Fight On!!!

why oh why did you go and reminded us of that crap of a film?

If you want to try pork belly, and are near New Orleans, go to Cochon Butcher just south of the WW2 museum. Try their pork belly sandwich. I'll bet the first word out of your mouth will be "oh wow"

I don't see these 2 douches getting charged with statutory rape... so, where does Age of Consent factor into this? them 2 dumb dumb are charged with recording said sex act and distributing it, which they should be punished accordingly

boring!!!! but everyone knows we all will watch


Fire Kevin McHale!!! For cry out loud what is he doing? and James Harden!!! wtf is up w/ his non-existent defense!!!