Wow. I can't even begin to tell you what is wrong with this statement.
Wow. I can't even begin to tell you what is wrong with this statement.
Not quite in the spirit of your question... But this one.
agreed, if it had leather straps holding down the bonnet I'd need a towel.
Can't help but notice how many incidents seem to be caused mostly by ego.
I can vouch for this.
Obviously since he mentioned Bathurst...
I think not building the Miura concept "because "Lamborghini doesn't look to the past" is the exact opposite of flowery bullshit.
Bullshit, in Australia unless you blow both tyres you have no chance of winning.
I love that clip, and if I ever get around to getting a motorcycle, my first will be an NSR150SP like in the clip
Then you don't know how Aussies build their motors!
I wonder how the trapezoid(?) is enjoying it's new found fame as the lower-outer-front-air-dam-feature on every new "aggressive" car out there.
Whilst I don't hate them I can't say I prefer them the trad round ones.
However; the 996 will always be the quintessential Porsche for me, owing simply to the fact that when I was growing up, that's what a Porsche looked like
Somewhat similar to your Bentley colour option; I nominate Ford Australia's 'Velvet' available on FG Falcons optioned as G6E or G6E Turbo.
A difficult colour to photograph; the first time I saw it was in my work car park, in the darkness of early morning, where it appeared as a deep, metallic black. It wasn't until I…
Sounds like fun; the journey and the destination