
@Simon: Try the other way around bub :p americans invented the concepts, the brits couldnt stand using our terms :p.

As much as I wish we would I doubt it will work for us.

btw, for anyone wondering, the rumor that VB macros would be removed from Office 2008 for Mac is false.

@Heffae: Yes your right, but the it does become a tradeoff of which is better for you, long term or short term support, and are you going to be running a mixed system network.

@jjjpoon: you have never seen a properly trained mac tech then. Macs have the exact same tools to lock down a system that PC users do.

@joshua: You will find very few if any businesses would EVER build their own machines.

As pointed out, there is no reason to use any sort of revision database for this.

THIS I have been looking for for ages!

The conclusion is very Konfabulator-positive

wait it runs on every program o_O. I thought it was just critical files when it tries to write over them or install into them.

understandable but its there for a reason, to let you know something your running (or more importantly NOT running) is trying to gail access to critical files that could effect you in some way. It could be harmless, it could be to destroy your entire hard drive, but the computer feels it is important you know.

there is a REASON these are here. They are nagging you FOR A REASON. I love that OSX does this and Im glad Vista will. People who disable this are morons and deserve the punishment their maleware will give them for doing this.

Hmmm, actually reading the article, they recommend NOT springing for synthetic. I have, however, spoken with many *actual mechanics* (some lifelong) outside the of their places of work, and they have all highly recommended synthetic.

Just be careful, sometimes dealers wont honor your warentee if you dont follow the 3000 mile rule.

I got to say, I always wondered what the story was about NORAD tracking Santa, and reading it now, it actually makes me warm inside that instead of following military protocol, the guy knew what had happened and played into it to make childrens chrsitmases a little brighter.

See this makes no sense to me. For big items they are going to go under anyway. They are going to get scanned and they are going to have bomb sniffing dogs around them..... WHY THE HELL CAN THEY SCAN LUGGAGE WITH NO PROBLEMS BUT CANT SCAN A FUCKING BOX WRAPPED IN PAPER.

suck it up. Its not for you to decide if they should give one or not, its only for you to accept it in the reason it was given and throw it away/do whatever yourself.

It annoys me that OOo has no interest in better supporting a OSX version or even helping the group that is working on one (like Neo Office with whome they had a very ugly and public smeer capaign against) The way project heads of OOo have talked about OSX has made Microsoft look like a angel.

I dont understand why people buy candles and dont burn them honestly. BURN the candles, then you wont be buffing anything you will just pick up another 5-6 dollars worth of candles next year.

just did it today with my sisters guitarhero wireless guitar.