
hey knock Saturn all you want, but my Saturn never has a ding in it once. cant say the same for any other car i have owned.

Zooey Deschanel was a signer before she really became a actor. She wasnt out there, but she WAS a singer.

Ummm the differences between a iPod touch and phone are a LOT bigger than "one can make calls."

the problem with Res-Net type jobs is often they are limited by your resident status and financial status. At my university only people living on campus (which was a small percentage of the number of students at the school) where allowed to work at the school. Commuters where explicitly banned from holding any jobs.

@cmdrfire: You also are big diesel consumers, which the US is not.

People who spout off about Apple having "microsoft like tactics" dont know what that statement remotely means. If they did they would keep their ignorant mouths shut.

rice. I have come to believe that the microwave is the ONLY way to cook rice. High for 5 minutes then 50% for 15 and the rice is ALWAYS fluffy and properly steamed.

lol our network master admin password got a 23% while my everything password got a 98%. I could have sworn with the combo of symbols numbers and letters our master password would have scored much better.

i was actually accused of downloading the Sopranos once. The joke of it was I dont even like the Sopranos and had evidence to prove that while i was downloading P2P it was not copyrighted info.... Never heard a peep from HBO again.

@ashleyr: see thats what confuses me. As it stands now I have never had more than 1 piece of paper going through the checkpoint. So this doesnt save jack compared to normal security procedures if your already printing out your pass unless your in a situation where you can not print out your pass.

lightweight organization for amateurs? iPhoto, I feel sorry for you Picasa users on windows, but it really feels like a beta product compared to iPhoto, which given its a google product it probably still is. Sorry I just cant stand how bad a program it is yet people hold it up as this wonder photo organization

how the hell does this work? on my last trip to Orlando the TSA agents signed off on your pass...

I still dont agree with people about rebuilding the permissions. Its one of those "yeah it might not do anything but it doesn't hurt to do" deals.

wait whats this... Gizmodo feeling well.... I have only called you guys out on this for the last YEAR and low and behold you get your hands on it and you like it...

I haven't had soda in over 2 years now, it wasnt hard at all to kick the habit. All my fiance and I have at home is sugar and HFCS free juice, coffee, tea, and water.

I personally think Kuler is much better designed.