No one really cares. Artistic awards are pretty lame and the Globes, especially, is just a lot of insider politic-wanking.
No one really cares. Artistic awards are pretty lame and the Globes, especially, is just a lot of insider politic-wanking.
“Pulls off” is a phrase implying accomplishment, contrary to the article headline.
I dunno, maybe this wasn’t a screening of the new “restored” Suspira print.
So, it’s sorta’ Poochie In Space?
It is a little disturbing to me too.
No, no, no, again, see my first point.
I mean, thank god for women standing up to this kind of shit.
I believe you completely missed my point. I wasn’t talking about predatory programmers.
Also worth noting is Knoxville’s Big Ears festival, which has offered everything from Philip Glass, to Swans, Perfume Genius, Sun Ra, Terry Riley, Wilco, Wolf Eyes, Laurie Anderson, St Vincent,...
I found the books to be just okay (the second book was my favorite).
One of the earliest AICN Knowles articles I remember reading was his boasting that when he was having trouble staying awake at some marathon, someone gave him this new drug called “XTC” (yeah, it was so long ago I hadn’t heard of ecstasy either) and he loved it.
Issues of awful programmers behavior aside, if you are worried about being triggered, maybe don’t go to a genre festival that celebrates the likes of horror and exploitation?
I saw it at the local arthouse, so the, admittedly small, audience was half people who likely knew what to expect and half old biddies who just see whatever because of the senior discount.
When Dali was going to be the Emperor in Jodorowsky’s DUNE adaptation, he wanted to have a gold, dolphin-shaped throne that ate his shit, so President Trump wouldn’t surprise him in the least.
Cruise seems to be a really prickly one. She’d had a falling out with Lynch/Badalamenti before. The hints were that she sort of braces at how Twin Peaks and Lynch might be seen as the peak of her career.
Yeah, but to be fair, it’s not like even Death Note’s portrayal of folklore is steeped in any history; it’s sort of it’s own anime spin.
I think Littlefingers fate was given a tepid punctuation by Martin giving the producers the Cliffnotes version of how he comes to and end and them running with it.
People really need to get some perspective on the whole “whitewashing” thing.