Star Wars was such a breath of fresh air in 1977 because EVERY film in the years before it were Rogue One. People were shit heads and hope was for big fat babies.
Star Wars was such a breath of fresh air in 1977 because EVERY film in the years before it were Rogue One. People were shit heads and hope was for big fat babies.
The abject misery is kind of why I dug it. Like it forces present day audiences into the mindset a 1977 audience would have entered the picture with you know? In the mid to late 70s cinema was full of BLEAK thanks to the stranglehold New Hollywood had.
Lest we forget, Han Solo was a smuggler before the first trilogy, and returned as a smuggler afterwards until TFA. And Luke Skywalker abandoned the rebellion and pretty much allowed Ben Solo to become Kylo Ren.
You take that back.
Why did the Rebellion feel the need to kill Galen Erso? Oh I dunno, maybe because he was willing and able to create a superweapon for people who were willing and able to use it? Who knows what they might have made him design next? They had no way of knowing he was working for them reluctantly and even if they did- the…