Does this mean we can at least get a US based online sports gambling site? The bank teller always side-eyes my foreign Bovada checks...
Does this mean we can at least get a US based online sports gambling site? The bank teller always side-eyes my foreign Bovada checks...
Bad mouth gin all you want, but your first drink isn’t a martini, it’s called a kangaroo. A martini is made with gin. Yes, James Bond is wrong.
Came for this.
As a kid I wore out the VHS tapes of this and Top Gun. They are literally the same exact movie. The guitar theme of Days of Thunder is also really awesome and only slightly pales in comparison to the Top Gun anthem.
I drive a stick. I still have moments on long journeys where I’ll suddenly realize, holy shit, I’ve been driving the past 5 minutes? (I’d like to think that in an emergency, my subconscious would snap to)
“Weight loss food” is the dumbest term ever. It’s the absence of food that causes weight loss!
“I may even get more than other players because I have a long braid going down my back, so people just pick that out immediately,”
Sorry, I should have worded that better. You are correct, as body weight drops, your basal metabolic rate to maintain that new set point also drops. The part about “continue cutting calories to maintain their weight” is not correct though. You would only have to maintain that new BMR to maintain that current set body…
Using real bricks? The guy should’ve taken a page outta this dude’s book.
Regarding the steak, any waiter worth their salt in a decent establishment will agree with you once you show them the evidence of overcooking after you cut into the thing. (and will almost always play along anyway even if you’re exaggerating. I find that high-end steakhouse wait staff tend to be on the upper end of…
I imagine guys that say“dilly dilly” only very recently gave up using “that’s what she said.”
Yeah, this entire statement is wrong.
Congrats! You actually like sushi! I found that people that stick to rolls usually don’t even like fish and just want fried shrimp dipped in spicy mayo.
They had to go backwards after 997 because of some issue with Ducati using similar production model numbers, or something like that, right? I’d like to see them use 999.
What wouldn’t be best experienced in a 1972 Porsche 911?
What’s the proper pronunciation of sake? Sah-key or Sa-kay?
As sorry as I am for your situation and as much as I can’t even begin to empathize with your pain, know that as a parent you are gifted. You are responsible for shaping an innocent human being. You have the ability to make sure your child grows up to be as good or better of a human than you. That doesn’t sound like…
“This is only a smidgen above the near-starvation diet that the occupying Germans allowed Parisians to live off in the Second World War. Try selling that to the British in 2018.”