Falcon Depth Brunch

My friends kids call them Mom and Mama my other friends are Da and Daddy because he is irish and that is what he called his dad.

Big Deal I just ate a whole ritter sport.

Is it wrong that i did not even bat an eyelash when you said Silverlake?The parents in that neighborhood are insufferable.

I’m pulling you out of the greys because I like this perspective.

YaYa Greyhood!!

She knocked this straight into another park. WOW. Stylist game on point!!

That is the designated little kid face of “look what i’m doing are you taking the picture?!?!?” and i love it.


I just fell into a Wiki k-hole sewnd help or popcorn.

I generally can’t with Johnny Depp

It would have been great if she went out and said absolutely nothing as her song started. The biggest fuck you and I would have loved the fuck out of it.

And the part where if you pray hard enough your brown will go away and you can be a proper member of the church and go to heaven with the rest of everyone. Don’t even get me started on the FLDS child raping sick fucks.

I’m very very well versed in my Book of Mormon. As I’m a recovering one.

“Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an inferior race. A curse was placed upon him and that curse has been continued through his lineage and must do so while time endures.” Oh what is that? Directly from the mouth of Joseph smith

For fucks sake, this is the same group that thought black people were the incarnations of the devil until the 70’s.

Enough to choke a goat and half of the animals on the farm. Early 20’s were a crazy time yo.

Nope not at all. Let your freak flag fly, boo.

you’re welcome.

the way he plays that guitar and those blues riffs...i was like i need this.