
I’ll really date myself: The first time I ever overclocked, I had to manually change jumpers on the motherboard. It was an AMD K6-233 that didn’t even have a cooler on it because they didn’t need it yet.

Amazon would just fire them all and hire new people if they tried to strike. They’ve already proven they’ll fire anyone who speaks up. The only thing this advice is going to do is raise the unemployment rate even more.

That’d be lions.

What I don’t get it is why they didn’t just move the 4 hippos back to Africa after Escobar died. Either that or just kill them if they’re such a pest.

My TV broke a few days ago (nooooooooo, not during quarantine!) and I was planning on ordering a new one from Amazon after I get paid later this week. (Working from home ftw, I guess) But if it’s being delayed by up to a month, the quarantine will be over by then (or it’ll be over next week, if you listen to

Why not just lie about it and donate anyway? Technically, anyone who has ever paid for sex is disqualified (ie, me) but I just lie about it when I donate because that’s a really dumb reason to disqualify someone.

My TV (which broke recently, but still) is/was only 720p. It’s probably about time for me to get something with a bit higher resolution.

8k is probably the last stop. The majority of people can’t tell the difference between 4k and 8k. Hell, I own a 4k monitor and can’t tell 4k from 1440p most the time. (In retrospect, I wish I’d bought a 1440p monitor instead. Would’ve saved me $200 or so.)

My TV is just broken, so I should buy a new one as well. I mean, assuming I ever get around to it. I think my current TV has been broken for almost a year at this point. I’ll get around to buying a new one eventually. Probably...

“The two crashes were just five months apart and all MAX planes around the world were subsequently grounded.”

I wasn’t even aware you could buy food on Amazon. I’d never even though to go to that site for food. Just go to a damn grocery store..

Given the absurd durability of the joystick on the actual N64 controller, I can’t imagine the one on the prototype is much better. I have two controllers, both bought in 1997, and the joystick is still perfect on both of them. I can’t really ask for more than that.

The only acceptable way to watch Seinfeld is straight through from beginning to end, all episodes in order. So those features you mention seem pretty worthless to me. I’ve watched Seinfeld straight through twice on Hulu and didn’t even know you could do any of that. So, definitely no loss there.

Putting smoke in your lungs is never good. they have lung disease for the same reason people smoking cigarettes do. There’s no mystery at all here.

You’re terrible at trolling.

I’m right outside Philly and it doesn’t feel bad at all. I went outside on my lunch and it feels like it’s in the mid-80s at most, despite my weather app saying it feels like 110 outside. I call BS on that. There’s no way that’s right.

It’s not a necessity, though it’s nice. my mother, for instance, is 73 and doesn’t own a computer/tablet/cell phone and has never been on the internet for one second in her entire life. She doesn’t like any of that and refuses to use it. She gets on fine. She still uses checks to pay all her bills via mail, calls the

Garbage like this is why I’ve never bought a voice assistant and never will. Siri has been turned off on my iPhone since the day I got it and will remain that way forever. No one gets to listen to my life.

That’s it, next time I fap, I’m moaning into my Alexa to make an Amazon employee feel awkward.

That black costume with the lightning bolt is so ingrained in my brain as the “right’ costume for Danvers, I’ve been annoyed this entire time they haven’t been using it. I’m still annoyed they aren’t using it.