
I think someone should just make a movie where cell phones aren't even mentioned. It's set in 2018 (or whenever) and cell phones just aren't a thing that exist. Horror movies generally don't stick to reality anyway, so why not just never mention a cell phone? Seems like the easiest way to fix the problem. 

I worked in a WalMart with a grocery section for a while and we (as in the store employees) always stocked everything. I never saw non-employees stocking the shelves. I’d imagine this is an issue with the store itself, not Mondelez. Though, to be fair, I worked in Lawn & Garden so I could have missed some stuff going

I had no idea they were still selling Hydrox, I don’t think they sell them around me (Philly area.) Or maybe i should just look behind the Oreos.

One of the guys I went to High School with is a huuuge Infowars fan and he’s losing his shit on Facebook right now over this. His current theory is Facebook is secretly run by the government (Zuckerberg is a puppet installed by the government and, according to my friend, had nothing to do with Facebook’s creation) and

Honestly, bezel free phones look horrible to me. I wish phones would just put bezels back.

I once knew a girl who insisted she remembered being in the womb. She said she'd open her eyes and listen to the muffled sounds of people talking outside. She got really, really upset if anyone told her she can't remember that. She was adamant she remembered being a fetus.

I used to have a praying mantis and once put a roach I found in the Mantis’ cage. It took me a freaking half hour to catch the thing. It took my Mantis a few hours to be interested in the roach, but he eventually ate the roach’s head.

I remember finding What If Volume 2 #4 in a comic book shop as kid. (“What If The Alien Costume had possessed Spider-Man?”) The alien costume, of course, is the Venom symbiote. It’s such an interesting story because that did sort of happen in mainstream continuity- the venom symbiote came into existence as

If you think about it, “knowledge of cube solving” is just knowing how to turn the cube. It knows what the end state goal is. That’s really all you need. As best I can tell, the AI figured out that method you quoted on its own. That wasn’t programmed into it by humans.

None of these even come close to my definition of NSFW.

Hey, we can buy porn games on Steam now. All for this move, because I’m a dirty pervert.

Very interesting. I do like the effects. Went poking about the behind the scenes stuff and found neural-style, which is quite interesting. It’s a PITA to get working, though. Geez.

At least from a comic standpoint, Thanos making everyone retroactively not exist isn’t any good. He wanted them to die as a present to Death to make her love him. Erasing them from existence would send them to Oblivion’s realm instead of Death’s. They didn’t seem to carry over his love of Death in the movie, but he

I pointed this out to someone and their response was it’s still Amazon, because if TRU had been competitive with Amazon, the debt wouldn’t matter. I have no idea if that’s right or if he just didn’t want to be wrong.

I dislike the idea of Google deciding what I can and can’t see in this manner. So, that feature of Chrome will be getting turned off immediately. I’ll continue to use Ublock and actually have control over what I do and do not see.

I am so happy I didn’t upgrade to 11. I may skip it entirely and not upgrade until 12 comes out.

If the authorities int he UK want him so much, just go the fuck in there and get him. It’s on British soil, just fucking do it. Stop being pussies about it. No one in Ecuador will care.

Nothing. I leave my phone unlocked. You just push the home button to wake it up.

I will never give Apple my thumbprint or face data, no matter what. Practice good physical security of your phone and you don’t even need to lock it. I leave my phone unlocked and have never had an issue doing that because I practice good physical security for my phone. If I’m outside my car or apartment, the phone is

This isn’t new. I did this in the 80s on BBSes. I’d silence my modem and call them all night. I know other people did too because there was a shocking amount of activity on certain boards; I also got busy signals more often than you’d expect for 2 am Tuesday.