
I never heard about this whole Facebook recording thing until about two weeks ago. The way it was presented to me was “Facebook openly admits they do this, every single person who uses Facebook knows they do this and no one cares.” It seems like everything he said was wrong. I haven’t been worried about it since I

Are you sure that wasn’t a documentary about Trump?

What I don’t understand is how a non-government contract can take away a government’s ability to audit. If I were to sign an employment agreement with a company that says the IRS cannot investigate or audit me and then I don’t pay my taxes, do you really think the IRS will give a shit what the contract says? No, they

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a non-mobile connection having a cap. Mine definitely doesn’t.

I got a 4k monitor last May and had no idea Netflix had a 4k content. I got the monitor for gaming. I don’t have an active Netflix subscription at the moment, but this article may have the opposite effect and make me subscribe now that I know. I’ve had precious little live-action (non-gaming) 4k stuff to watch on my

I’m all for it, honestly. Remember when Twitter was briefly considering expanding tweets to 10,000 characters? I was for that, too. I’ve been wanting a character limit increase for years. I’ll take 280.

I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if Uber ignores this and keeps operating. They’ve ignored court orders in the past, so I could see them continuing to operate in London.

Funny thing is, he’s actually a plumber. He doesn’t know jack about engineering.

He’s gotten pretty close to doing that. Check out his pulse jet videos.

Relativity is eventually going to break. Einstein himself said it would someday be supplanted by a more complete theory. Though it has passed every single test thrown at it in the past century, so it may be a while longer before we find its replacement.

To be fair, it’s damn near impossible to spot the loop.

I don’t get why they just don’t take off if people are standing against the fence. Make them move and then take off.

Are moons just magically appearing around Jupiter? Or what’s going on? Back when I was a kid in elementary school (so, early to mid 80s), Jupiter had 20-some moons. 23 or 24, I think. Now it’s 69? Weird.

It’s like Tnetennba from the IT Crowd. Trump sure does have a lovely Tnetennba.

Why would anyone assume an email offering to share a document ISN’T Phishing? I’d assume it automatically and delete an email like that without a second thought.

Wait, are these the lions they based that movie The Ghost and The Darkness on? I remember watching that as a kid and my father insisting it’s “impossible” it really happened (as the movie claimed) because lions don’t hunt that way. Interesting.

I recently saw a webcomic along the same lines, saying since we didn’t know what dinosaurs had feathers, how much body fat they had, etc. That it’s “impossible to know” (if I recall the wording correctly) that T Rexes didn’t look like gigantic modern chickens. The point of the webcomic was that we are completely

I use Word because I have to at work. If we’re caught using non-approved software on our work computers, we can be fired. Word is the only approved word processing software. Word is literally the only one I’m allowed to use.

People updated their wall phones regularly? Weird. My mother was still using the same wall phone she bought in the mid 80s when she died in 2013.

Articles like this annoy me because they’re blatantly wrong. Windows 10 has never, ever rebooted while I’m doing something because I set it not to. You’ve always been able to control it. Stop making it seem otherwise. You can (and always have been able to) set it to only apply updates when you shut the computer off.