
Yeah. At one point, people were calling the PS4 the best Blu-Ray player on the market, because it was one of the only ones that could get updates over the internet. However, I don’t think that’s true anymore. I’ve never owned anything capable of playing Blu-Ray (not a console or a Blu-Ray drive in my computer), but

For people like me, the amount of other people owning the consoles mean jack squat. I don’t do multiplayer, ever. I’ve tried in the past and it’s just not fun to me. So, the amount of people available for multiplayer games means nothing to me. There’s other people out there like me as well, I’m sure.

I like that interface, honestly. I’d use that.

I forget what the logic is, but flat earthers debunked this as some kind of optical illusion, but I forget the specifics.

I brought this up! The way he refutes it was as such: That’s only if you throw it a foot or two. But if you throw it as high as you can in a convertible, it’s gonna cum down way back, which is (somehow) the same as a plane not being able to keep up with the spin of the earth. It only works if you’re super close to the

Not non-stop. Every few days I’d mention it to him again.

I mentioned this to him, actually. He says every picture ever taken at that height has shown a flat earth and people just photoshop it to look curved. Basically, every answer he gives falls into one of two categories: 1. It’s faked. 2. That’s not how it really is and the government bribes scientists to lie to the

I spent several weeks last summer arguing with a flat earther. None of what you posted would convince them. The guy I was arguing with told me every single picture or video NASA has ever shown of the Earth from outer space is faked, so none of those prove anything. NASA has never even sent anything into space and

I don’t think it exists. I just spent 45 minutes searching and didn’t come up with jack shit.

I probably shouldn’t be talking about this in public, but I bought one of these for a camgirl I know and we were using it before that September cutoff date. I’m guessing possibly either me or her is eligible for something. Hmmm. I should look into this more.

I’ll admit to only watching the first Matrix, but (quite honestly), if Keanu Reeves isn’t in it, I doubt it’d get my attention or a lot of other people’s attention, given how good he was in the first one.

It’d take 3 weeks for Civ 3 to boot up on that thing, probably. You can play it very very slowly. lol

Just for the record, I’ve never seen Harley Quinn use a firearm in my life. It’s always melee weapons like clubs or hammers. That’s a really weird example, since I have nothing to picture. Batman’s utility belt may be a better example.

The Helmet has a spirit of a deity in it, which is where the magic comes from. You really think he doesn’t have protections in place to prevent something that simple from happening?

I’ve used iPhones exclusively since 2008, when I bought a 3G. I’m on my third iPhone now, and so far I’ve bought a grand total of zero accessories for my iPhones. If it didn’t come in the box with the iPhone, I don’t have it. This includes cases, btw.

I’ve been using the same TV since 2008/2009 or so. A 22" 720p set. I’m actually still totally happy with it except for two problems: It only has one HDMI port, so I’m constantly going behind the TV to switch HDMI plugs around when I need to use a different device. Hell, I have a console hooked up with component cables

There’s no Elder Scrolls without Zenimax, they own Bethesda, so I’m firmly on Zenimax’ side solely because I want more Elder Scrolls.

More or less, yes. I mean, Hulk’s skin is extremely resilient on its own and can stop tank rounds. (at one point, exactly what it can take changes often) However, on top of that, he has an insane healing factor so even if you do manage to hurt him, he heals in seconds. Wolverine does the same thing. Wolverine was

Hulk isn’t always mindless. He’s had the full intelligence of Bruce Banner in the past, and he also had normal human intelligence in his Joe Fixit incarnation. (aka the gray Hulk)