
He’s tried multiple times and it never works out for him. He was trying to eat the Earth in his very first appearance. As a side note, he was supposed to be a one off and we were never going to see him again. That changed quickly, though.

Yeah, really. Everyone knows trebuchets are better.

Garbage like this is why I’ll never have an Echo, Alexa or anything like that. No cameras with net connectivity, etc. They won’t spy on me because I won’t own anything capable of doing so.

That’s why I love living near Philadelphia. Both Verizon and Comcast consider it their home turf and the fighting between them for customers is intense. I can get either in my apartment and am going with Verizon, because I’ve worked for Comcast in one of their call centers and there is no way in hell I am ever getting

I don’t doubt the TSA is ineffective, you act like racial profiling is bad. It isn’t. Look at Israel. They have the most effective airport security on the planet, and they use racial profiling extensively. Racial profiling is a very good thing when it comes to weeding out terrorists.

How long has this show been on? I didn’t even hear of it until this article. It sounds pretty cool, though.

I’m really surprised anyone thought that. The vent was the end of the trench. the middle bit has no end, it goes right around the entire Death Star. I never thought it was there. Also, I never had any idea where the trench was in general. But I never thought it was around the center.

Honestly, at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump just starts tossing journalists he doesn’t like in jail, rather than doing anything outline in the article.

I don’t know if Pizzagate was ever in the limelight. Today is the first time I’ve ever even heard of it.

Sort of off topic, but I wish my mother told me that as a kid. Instead, she told me breaking a contract results in you automatically going to jail. Hell, because of her saying stuff like that, I grew up thinking you went to jail for any crime committed, no matter what it was. The punishment was jail time no matter

It’s a good thing people can’t pick their own idea. Otherwise, in 20 years from now, we’d be telling stories that ended with “and that’s how we got a Dickbutt monopoly piece.”

I didn’t see the GOTG movie, but I’d definitely consider Drax and Gamora to be Super Heroes, at least based on their comic portrayals. For instance, Drax’s whole reason for existing in his current form is to stop Thanos. That’s definitely super hero material.

I’ve apparently been living under a rock as well, then, because I had no idea this happened to Pepe either until I read this article. Though it explains why one YouTuber I sometimes watch has completely dropped the “rare pepe” stuff he used to do. And, now that I think about it, that explains why some guy went off on

People who don’t believe we went to the moon annoy me in general. I have a coworker like that who I want to kick in the head sometimes. Once in a while, he’ll say something like, “Look at the footage of the the first supposed moon landing. There’s so many errors that NASA was too lazy to fix. They forgot the fucking

Ah yes, The Black Hole. I remember my parents wouldn’t let me watch it as a kid because people died in it. I was mostly only allowed to watch ‘happy’ movies where no one dies and everything turns out fine in the end. I’ve still never seen the Black Hole, either.

I got the impression he had some sort of Force shield up around him as he was walking to the switch near the end. It looked like blaster shots were bending to go around him. Or that’s what I thought was happening when I watched the scene, anyway.

And this is why we shouldn’t be using electronic voting machines anywhere. If it’s paper, no one can hack it, which is what we should still be doing.

Tree Eatery? Cool. I’ve always wanted to eat a tree.

And suddenly, NYC’s century old subway system that’s controlled mechanically doesn’t look so bad.

My biggest issue with this video is I didn’t have time to focus on anything. It was switching too fast between clips. However, of what I was able to actually see long enough to understand, some of it does look like shit, for sure. But the majority of it was okay. I wouldn’t complain about it, even today.