
He isn’t even wearing a safety tie!

He deserves to be criticized for his actions, sure. But booing? It’s not constructive, there’s no point to it. Booing him is just ridiculous and accomplishes nothing. So, no, he shouldn’t be booed everywhere he goes.

There’s this footage of Trump at some kind of White House briefing where they were going over his duties as President (because he’s fucking clueless and has no idea what being President really entails) and he did not look happy. He looked downright miserable at learning what he has to do. I’m hoping he can’t take it

Australian wreaths are known to attract dropbears.

I don’t know. I could see Trump removing the ACA effective that day and everyone losing their insurance before open enrollment next year.

Garbage like this is why I don’t go to the doctor. If I die, I die. But I’m not getting insane medical bills this way.

That’s a terrible attitude to take. You vote for who you believe in, always. If it’s third party, it’s third party.

Hmm. I could have sworn Trump said he wants to dismantle ACA, Medicare and Medicaid entirely, so the programs no longer exist and it’s 100% private insurance companies and that’s it. At least, that’s what I’m bracing for and expecting to happen.

I fail to see how closer relations with Russia is a bad idea. The US and Russia could accomplish a lot of good if they worked together.

I don’t think the change really matters that much. I didn’t even notice the timeline change until someone specifically pointed it out.

I’m right outside Philly (in an area expected to go overwhelmingly for Clinton) and everything was fine around here. I’ve heard of no problems. That’s good, at least.

No. I don’t need that song coming back. I hate it. I always hoped that stupid frog would get caught and jailed in the video. Ugh.

People tell me this is impossible and I’m misremembering, but games worked on my NES without me pushing them down about half the time. I don’t know. I remember being amazed it worked. But, like I said, people have told me it’s impossible that the game worked like that. I don’t know, but I swear I remember it happening.

Is USB the only way to power the console? Because my TV doesn’t have a USB port. I know I don’t keep up with tech very well outside PCs, but I thought USB on a TV was a very rare thing and you don’t see it very much.

I forget what website it was, but a few weeks ago, I saw an article by someone who “mathematically proved” (using dubious math that didn’t hold up) that it doesn’t make sense to send your Note 7 back. He said he was keeping his. I wonder how he feels about this?

You can play Wii U games entirely on the controller because it has that big screen on it. He plugged in the Wii U and is playing on his controller.

I’m 41 and have never in my life heard of twisting an Oreo and letting the side the cream is on be the deciding factor in something. Weird.

Am I the only person who doesn’t seem airplanes as filthy germ ridden hell holes? I didn’t even know people thought that before I read this article.

... she is aware the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, right?

I saw this video on Reddit yesterday and everyone there was bitching the music ruined it. Interesting.