
It’s cute that they think they’ll get the actual documents they want. I’m quite positive Mylan will turn over faked documents that back up everything the CEO said. I’d imagine they had these prepared well ahead of time in case something like this happens. Pharmaceutical companies do whatever the hell they want and no

I’d consider getting it, but I have never, ever been able to get a bluetooth controller to work with my tablet or phone. They just don’t ever work right. Ugh. I even bought one that was _specifically_ designed to work with a game and it still wouldn’t work. Bluetooth controllers are just garbage in general, I think.

I don’t get why the color of the switch even matters. You can’t see it under the key tops.

I don’t get why the color of the switch even matters. You can’t see it under the key tops.

Pennies will never harm anyone, no matter what height they’re dropped from. They just don’t have enough mass and aren’t aerodynamic enough to get to a speed that’d be harmful.

So, it’s uses a syllabary for writing, then? You make it sound like it’s unique. Japanese and Mandarin are other examples. I’m sure there’s others I don’t know about.

Has anyone ever actually successfully met anyone with Tinder? I tried it for a while and didn’t get a single match. Not one. Seems like a total waste of time to even open the app.

Hey, I actually like Up, Up and Away.

If only Apple had thought to connect them to each other and to something solid, like a phone, so they’d be caught if they fell. I hope Apple’s engineers get to work on solving this dastardly problem.

Eh. I find him amusing. I like hearing about what he’s doing.

I’ve seen these guys before. They’re kind of idiots on anything not related to skateboarding, but they do seem to know a hell of a lot about skateboarding. I’m not really sure what kind of other videos they make (I’m not really into skateboarding), but I do enjoy watching them try to skate on all the weird boards they

Apple actually lifted that ban years ago. Gizmodo has been allowed in Apple events for a while now.

It’s effectively on the first page. you can hit space twice on iOS and it’ll insert a period.

Why is Apple so obsessed with putting crap in their phones that doesn’t matter and no one asked for? Take the goddamn extra camera out and put the headphone jack back in. Their decisions make zero sense. Everything about this phone is a total, utter fail. You don’t even need the extra battery space. I’ve had an iPhone

Ooohhhh, I know this pain. I didn’t go to ITT, but I did go to a for profit tech school, but their “degree” took 6 months to earn. I contacted them for information, decided they were a scam, ignored them after that. I lose my job 3 months later and, as (bad) luck would have it, they contacted me again after I’d been

The interesting thing about Blair Witch is, when it was released, I knew people who thought it was legitimate found footage that some money grubbing asshole released as a movie, so it was all entirely real. I live in Pennsylvania and one of my friends was seriously considering going to Maryland to find evidence of it

Except it’s illegal to deny a natural born American entrance into the country, period. They may be arrested the second they step foot on American soil, but it’s unconstitutional to not let them into the country, regardless of what they did. Not letting Snowden into the US would set an extremely dangerous precedent.

I did the same thing, actually. My router was Yggdrasil, when I ran a Windows domain, my domain controller was Vanaheimr (one of the nine worlds), my laptop was Loki, my desktop was Odin.

Wow, really Apple? Every single day, I use my headphones while charging my phone and can’t do that if I get a new iPhone. I’m not using Apple’s shitty bluetooth earbuds. If it isn’t Klipsch, I’m not using it.

TVs with resolutions lower than 4 are becoming scarce? I don’t know a single person who owns a 4k TV. I’ve never even heard of someone owning a 4K TV. If anything is scarce, it’s 4K TVs.