
I don’t use a case on my iPhone. I used an uncased iPhone 4S for 4 years and it never got any damage and I even dropped it on concrete once. iPhones are a hell of a lot more durable than most people think.

Most people were still using floppy disks in 1998. I didn’t stop using them entirely until 2009.

I feel like I saw one of his videos once where he said he has an engineering degree, but I guess engineer != scientist

I know a climate change denier and I want to show him this, but I don’t think it’ll help. Every fucking time, he has the exact same answer: “It snowed here last winter, that’s irrefutable undeniable proof that climate change is made up.” and that’s the end of it as far as he’s concerned. Basically, as long as it gets

Colin Furze actually has a design team, you just don’t seem them in the videos. He’s admitted he has other people helping him design some of the more difficult things.

And I’m flabbergasted people use search engines for their videos. If I want a video, I go to the site. If i want porn, I pick a site and search there. Same if I want something off YouTube. I’ve never used a search engine for videos. Ever.

Interesting. I’ve seen a lot of people say, “Jurassic Park looks good when it was new, but it looks like total garbage in 2016.” which is one of the reasons I’ve never rewatched it. I saw it one time in the theaters when it was new and haven’t rewatched since.

A guy who crushes stuff between magnets? Who is that? I don’t know his videos.

Consoles as we know them are going to die, but it’s taking longer than people expected, I think. Most people seemed to expect the Xbox One and PS4 to be the last “traditional” consoles, before they morph into something else. i personally gave up on consoles with the 360. Though I wouldn’t mind getting a retro console

Eh. He can make more if he damages it.

Having worked in call centers exclusively since 2001, I can tell you that most of them have an “occurances” type system. You get an occurances every time you’re late or call off. You generally get a warning or two when you hit a certain number of occurances, then they fire you after that.

Lynx is a text based web browser, though.

It varies by area. In some places, they're Samoas. In others, Caramel Delights.

$60? thought just the Raspberry Pi itself was like $100.

Also, they can’t use anything that isn’t really in the food they sell or they risk a False Advertising lawsuit, which doesn’t make it any easier.

I find it weird that people are so into this game. I finally downloaded it today, started playing it and deleted less than five minutes after installing it after realizing the game doesn’t really have a point.

When I was (much) younger, I thought it was funny to intentionally leave them on urinals after I was done. Like, I’d find a few loose ones and sprinkle them over the top of the urinal, so the next person would see them. This was seriously the most hilarious thing to me. I’m curious how much of what we see is other

The media has unrestricted access to police files in Florida. They find all the insane stuff media in other states can’t get to. Florida isn’t actually special in that regard.

Stuff like this makes me _very_ nervous. I wish we’d just stop even trying to design systems like this. Just. Stop it. There’s too much risk (being used against us, mainly) for it to be worth it. It’s just not a good idea.

Problem like this is why I don’t think we’ll ever have self driving cars on any kind of large scale. I’ve pretty much decided I’m not getting one if they even become commercially available in my lifetime, which I doubt they will. Manual controls for life.