
Are you sure they rolled this out to everyone? I haven’t noticed anything different at all.

The Forbes Travel Guide uses 1-5 stars, and there’s another one that uses 1-5 diamonds, though I can’t remember the name of that one. But a lot of people just use the term “five star restaurant” to mean an upscale, expensive restaurant, even if it hasn’t actually been ranked that way.

The hell. THE HELL. How did he think this was going to turn out?

Keep in mind, New Zealand’s currency is called the dollar as well, so that could very possibly be in NZD, not USD.

Ugh. Even $550 is too much for me. If i buy a TV, I’m spending about a max of $200.

> ...you know, unless you are 15 and think you’ve found a Mayan city from satellite images

Literally the only thing I know about the Galaxy is that David Beckham plays for them. I guess he was off his game, too. Everyone screwed up!

I pretty much keep Spotify on Private, especially when I decide to listen to Katy Perry, you know, to, um, make sure her music still sucks. Yeah, that’s it. Make sure her music still sucks. I definitely don’t secretly like it. I definitely didn’t start doing this after Spotify automatically made a post on Facebook

1905 isn’t all the calories an adult needs for a day. My BMR is 3200 calories. ie, if I eat less than 3200, I’m gonna start losing weight. (Which is my goal, btw.)

As far as I know, the iPad 2 can still run the last version of 9, meaning it’ll be useful for quite a while still. I have an iPad 2 around here somewhere, but haven’t used it in years. I should see what version of iOS I can update it to just for the hell of it. I’m pretty sure it’s running on iOS 4 or 5 right now.

Live tiles? Those damn things are a scourge on computing. I despise them. If there’s one thing iOS doesn’t need, it’s live tiles.

My parents actually told me, as a kid, that I should be the one trying to get out of the way of cars, not that I should be expecting cars to avoid me. I don’t get why that poster would get such a backlash either. It reads like common sense to me.

Sounds like the right pronunciation to me. It’s how i say it, as well.

Natural doesn’t equal better. Arsenic and hemlock are natural. It doesn’t make a difference where the crop comes from. GMOs aren’t any different than any other plant.

Paying for 50, Fast shows 57, Ookla shows 58. This is the nice thing about living in a Philly suburb, Verizon and Comcast are engaging in all out war here, as they both consider this area to be their home turf and I can pick from either. Service is better, speeds are better, etc.

Really? I heard the All Star comics were utter trash. I tried reading All Star Batman (The thing that gave us “goddamn Batman”) and am inclined to agree. It was fucking terrible. I didn’t try All Star Superman because of how awful Batman was.

I don’t keep up with modern comics much anymore (I’m all about 70s Marvel) but, a friend of mine mentioned that recently. She reads X-Men titles pretty much exclusively and nothing else unless it’s some kind of X-Men tie in or crossover (so she reads Uncanny Avengers, for instance), so this is coming from the

The Vision can control his density, which is a similar idea. I don’t know if he’ll ever do this in the movies (or if he still does it in the comics), but he used to drop his density until he was intangible and could pass through objects, stick his hand in someone’s chest and then increase his density to disrupt the

Are you trying to write articles for The Onion? Because this kind of sounds like an onion article.

Is it bad I’d totally watch an Eve show where the guy does trade runs the entire episode? Yes? Oh.