
I’ve always heard Guinness hated the movie and asked for Obi Wan to be killed so he didn’t have to do anymore of them.

I imagine any driverless cars will be legally required to have manual override controls so a human can take over whenever they want/whenever it’s necessary. And, personally, I cannot ever see myself trusting a self driving car. Therefore, people like me are going to be driving their cars themselves forever. I doubt

Ah yes. I remember that. I was watching it with my friend as a kid and he said it wouldn’t work. I didn’t see any reason it wouldn’t and remember we got into this big argument over whether or not that’d work in real life. I apparently didn’t know about the Newton’s third law as an 8 year old. As a 10 year old, he

I can. I can burn through $300 at a strip club in a few hours. (They don’t take anything except cash, no credit cards or anything.) Though I’ve been trying to cut back the amount I spend per visit to about $100, I’m not always successful at it.

Interesting. I hit my daily limit ($300) during a strip club visit just two weeks ago. Some banks still apparently put limits on. Hell, I just recently got a $3000 cashier’s check to move funds from my old bank to my new bank. My new bank held the funds for a week, waiting for it to clear.They even put a 3 day hold a

Huh, and here I am, still using a 2.1 megapixel camera I bought in 2003. Well, sometimes I’ll use my phone (also old, an iPhone 4S), but I still tend to carry around a separate camera if I’m going somewhere that isn’t work.

If I can do it on/in front of a computer, I do. I’ve watched Netflix on my phone one time that I can recall (when we lost power at work once and had to sit around doing nothing until they fixed it), but otherwise I don’t think I’ve ever watched Netflix on anything except a browser. I’m sure other people are like this,

As a huge Asimov fan,I have mixed feelings on The Last Question being the sole Asimov story in the analogy. I’m happy they didn’t pick Nightfall, which is overrated (Asimov himself felt this way as well) but is probably his most popular short story.

This is one of the reasons I’ve never made a serious attempt to set up a vacation to Japan. I have tattoos (though only two, and both on the left side of my body) and imagine it’d cause problems. I’d like to go, but I’m not sure it’s worth it if I can’t get into places I’d want to.

Yeah. To create a hypothetical situation, if someone found a way to get the machine to dispense only winning tickets and you happened to buy a ticket from it with no knowledge of the change, yeah. You’re in the clear. you didn’t know they rigged the machine.

Yeah, no one needs to have a meltdown over this.

I dropped my iPhone on concrete once and it only had a tiny scuff on it. Weird.

Why do you need all that space? I’ve been using a 16gb 4S since the day it launched and it still isn’t full. Admittedly, I dump all my pictures off it every few weeks, so not much space is taken up by pictures, but it’s still lasted me years with no storage issues.

And I’m still using the iPhone 4S I got on launch day. I win the “old war” here, unless someone using a 4 or 3G shows up. (My one friend is actually still using a 3G, believe it or not.)

I’m still using an iPhone 4S and even this phone seems too big. I like 3.5", damn it. I don’t want anything bigger than that. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to have a choice soon. The battery on my 4S is damn near gone (and I get weirdness happening like the phone turning off for low battery at 85% and

I think Newgrounds still uses Flash, though I’m not sure because I haven’t been there in a pretty long time. But I think they do still use it.

They’re making too many of these. I’ve totally 100% lost interest in seeing any comic book movies. Even my enthusiasm for Infinity Gauntlet is waning, and I’ve been wanting that since the second I saw Thanos in the first Avengers movie.

Is this really a thing? I didn’t even notice it until this article mentioned it.

I had a girlfriend who got an IUD a month or two before we started having sex, and she was in constant pain from it. I think she got it taken back out 6 months later. So I guess it isn’t always totally painless?

This article is ridiculous. It’s never the wrong decision to stick to a the source material when it comes to comic book adaptions, ever. To put it shortly: You’re wrong.