
They will eventually. The rights have to expire at some point and Marvel/Disney will most definitely not be renewing them.

Um, Dolphins are air breathing mammals.

I haven’t had cable for most my life. I had it briefly from 1998-2001 because I was living somewhere where it was included in the rent, but other wise I have never had cable. Last September, I decided to try cable and see how it is in 2015. I was moving somewhere new and for some idiotic reason, it was cheaper for me

Er, why is the back of his head non-existent?

This is another reason that, if I ever decide to upgrade from my 4S, I won't actually turn on the touch sensor. It's just another thing to break. I keep my phone unlocked as it is, anyway.

I haven’t been reading much science fiction for a while now, but still felt like I at least had an idea of what was going on. Apparently not, since I’ve never heard of any of the authors mentioned in the article.

Well, looks like I’m never eating at Chipotle again, the.

This is kind of unrelated to the article, but I didn’t think 4k TVs were really a thing yet. The standard exists and I’ve known about it for a while. I know one person with a 4k monitor on their computer, don’t know anyone at all who owns a 4k TV. I seriously thought they didn’t really exist yet.

When I used to work for Comcast, you would not believe the amount of anger I had to deal with every time they raised their modem fee. I’d have people telling me it’s illegal and they’re suing if I don’t remove it, people trying to interpret our contract in such a way that it means we can’t ever change any fee on their

How would they know that if the items were never found? (Serious question, I’m not trying to be sarcastic.)

I don’t know what numbers you’re looking at, but the Dow was down 249 points today, not 500.

So you’ve never put them in water, then?

I know a guy who used to use “password” because he said, “No hacker will ever try it because they know no one is dumb enough to use it. It’s security by hiding in plain sight.”

I wish more people went for the simplest explanation. My old roommate’s stance on this wa s”It’s always aliens until it’s proven it’s not.” Then again,t his i a personw ho believes the earth is filled with aliens and every government on the planet is covering it up. Remember that scene in Men In Black where half the

That’s odd, when I had 768k down (not that long ago, still had it in 2012) Netflix worked fine, it didn’t even buffer. Weird that Netflix won’t work for them. It should adjust quality to whatever speed you have.

That’s way, way too much sugar. 10% of your calories? An average adult should have around 2000 calories a day. That’s 50 grams of sugar. (4 calories per gram, 50 grams of sugar = 200 calories, which is 10% of 2000.)

Every TV I’ve ever owned with HDMI had has had HDMI in the back of the TV, not the side. I’m not sure it’d be an issue.

My 4s (which I’ve had since launch day) is nearing the end of its life as well, unfortunately. It’s finally starting to fail. I’m torn between just getting another 4S from somewhere (not AT&T, obviously, as they don’t sell them anymore, but I could probably find a new one on eBay) or just upgrading to a different

I hadn’t heard about that alien megastructure at all until I read this article, which is odd since the article makes it sound like it was _everywhere_ for a few weeks.No idea how I missed that. I also hadn’t heard the Ice age in 2030 thing.

I think you may have missed the entire point of the word “adulting.” No one says that shit seriously. It’s all a big joke.