
Except it isn't a failure.

I don't get all the hate for Vista. I didn't when it was new and I still don't now. It's actually a solid OS. I ended up having to use it a _lot_ at an old job (and went so far as to get a cert for it, because my job wanted me to have one), and it's not bad. It's not all that different from 7. I just really don't get

I mostly use Spotify. I tend to get into grooves and listen to the same playlist a lot. A great way to save on bandwidth is to sync the songs over wifi. Now they use zero bandwidth when you listen.

This is true. I have an iPad 2 and have had it for years. I have zero desire to update it because there's no reason to.

I wonder... would it be possible to upload a mp4 and have it convert to a gifv?

Anything larger than an iPhone 4S is too large, as far as I'm concerned. Sadly, literally every smartphone currently on the market is larger than this. So it's either put up with a too-big phone or use the 4S for the rest of my life.

I'm confused as to how someone could consider the iPhone 6 a "non giant" phone. The thing is huge.

Was that even an actual language she was singing in? It sounds nothing like Japanese to me and sure as fuck wasn't English. It's like she was singing nonsense syllables the entire song. Or maybe that's what vocaloids do. I find them irritating in general so I usually avoid them.

I still use the term "directory" instead of "folder." Strangely enough, most people still seem to know what I mean.

I really don't understand why Apple keeps making their phones bigger. The 4S was a 3.5" screen and that's as big as they should be going. Even the 5/5S is too big. Apple is doing nothing but making shit decisions for the past few years.

This is ridiculous. There's no reason they should keep making the iPhone larger. No reason whatsoever. The iPhone 4S (and previous models) were the right screen size. At this rate, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be using my 4S until it dies and can't be repaired, because I don't _want_ a phone larger than that.

This makes me happy I just pay for Spotify. No ads, just music. However, I never, ever minimize Spotify. It's always open on my desktop. I like changing songs and playlists very often. (To the point where I'm sometimes manually clicking a new song at the end of every song)

I really don't understand why we just don't develop artificial intelligence. There's not really a need for it and if it comes with so many risks, it's better to just not create it in the first place.

A friend of mine says his job never carries over vacation time or pays out (to encourage you to use it) and will actually fire you if you don't take at least one full week off every year. I said they were almost certainly bluffing with that one week thing, but he says he knows of one person who actually was fired for

And I will be blocking & reporting as spam every single tweet I see that shouldn't be there, just like I do with sponsored tweets. They don't get to decide what I see.

"Duncan, the well-known yo-yo maker, came to my school with a cadre of talented teenagers in tow." .... That wasn't something they just made up for The Simpsons? Wow, all right then. My school never had Yoyo people.

Interesting. I've never even seen any of these on my feed. Then again, I sometimes go 4-5 months between checking my feed, so maybe I just missed them all.

True. It's not exactly the same, but it's along the same lines: A few days ago, I was registering at a website and it rejected my password because it had an ampersand in it. I could only use numbers and letters. Great. I'm not sure how much I trust this site. They just made brute forcing a password much easier.

it's kind of scary how many of the things in this list are still used by my mother. CRT TV? Check! (Ask her and she'll go on and on about how TV manufacturers are trying to rip you off with HD TVs), wristwatch that only tells time? Check! (I don't think she even knows other kinds exist.) pulse phone? Check! (It

I hate to be "that guy", but you mean 180, not 360.