
We are one step closer to making that space ship from Restaurant At The End Of The Universe! (It was so black you couldn't see it. I think the book described light as "sliding off it.")

These aren't nearly as bad for you as I expected. Hmmm. Think I might go eat one now.

Honestly, I'm totally underwhelmed by all this. I want to see innovations from Apple, not them playing catch up. I'm thinking my time as an iPhone/OS X user is coming to an end unless Apple turns itself around.

Well, in theory, you could make a timely ROI on that unit if the price of bitcoin spiked high enough and you sold whatever you'd mined. In practice, though, the price of bitcoin is extremely unlikely to spike that high.

Not quite. Last time I checked, I was getting about 60 megs down, 18 up. Definitely faster than the moon.

interesting. It doesn't seem like a particularly good way of meeting your partner. I wonder how successful it was? Or how long these machines were around?

Reason #2 you gave is actually why I hate driving on new roads. I feel like it absorbs all the light and I can't see anything.

What plan was $7.99? I've been paying $14.99 since I signed up for netflix, years and years ago.

A friend of mine has been trying for several years to get me to buy Beats. I usually go with Sennheiser when I need new headphones, but he's really insistent I'd like Beats more. Apple buying them actually, I think, makes me more likely to try this next time. But I just bought new Sennheisers a few weeks ago, so it's

A friend of mine claims he photocopied the front of a $20 bill (leaving the back blank), cut it to roughly the right size and was able to spend it at a McDonalds in Philly. So it apparently isn't hard to spend counterfeited money.

I'm mildly confused. Why do you have to use special $33 notebooks? Why wouldn't this work with regular paper?

Here's the thing: This is in no way a "bold stand." It's essentially a low risk advertising gimmick. Don't try to make this into something it isn't. It's inconsequential.

I've been wanting links/photos to not count towards character limits for YEARS. I totally disagree with this article: these are all excellent changes.

It doesn't have any effect on me whatsoever. This is because I have a sleep disorder, though, so I'm never rested. I've slept for 12 hours before and still felt like shit and was ready for a nap 90 minutes after I woke up.

"When I lived in Boston wouldn't it be logical to have an extra hour if sunlight to keep it warmer?"

When the time changed last year (as in, DST _ended_, so the clocks went back an hour) there was one guy at work who was still bitching the time change screwed him up 5 weeks later. So, people complain. A lot.

I've always found the little loading animations to be relaxing to watch. This doesn't make me anxious at all.

I really wish they'd stop making larger phones. Just in general, not Apple specifically. The original iPhone (up to the 4S) was the perfect size. I even think the 5 is too big. Until I can find another phone this size, I don't think I'm upgrading from my 4S

At least for me, it seems to be true. I can't see much of a difference.

Wow. I'm so out of touch with the XB One that I didn't even know it wasn't backwards compatible until I read this. I'd just been assuming it'd play 360 games.