
I'm happy this happened. It's very likely this is going to start some changes. It's about time.

I had a coworker once who used "password123" as a password. His rationale was as follows: "It's so obvious no hacker is going to bother to try it, because they know no one is stupid enough to use it anymore."

"Mortal Combat"? Seriously?

Isaac Asimov came up with the idea in the 50s, I believe. I can't recall the story name at the moment, but there was a gigantic central computer called Multivac. It computed everything (weather forecasts, stock prices, military strategies, etc), people had home terminals that connected to it and could ask it

I'm so anal about other people touching my phone (I won't let them), i don't see the point in having any kind of PIN set up. Then again, I also have a 4S and it doesn't have any sort of case on it, so maybe I just don't do things I should. (Though, in my defense, I've had the 4S since the day it came out and it has a

Ah yes, I see Snowden has been borrowing from Kevin Mitnick's playbook. Really, social engineering is the easiest and fastest way to gain access to a system. I'm not surprised by this revelation at all. Respect to him for pulling it off.

Is Ada Lovelace really that unknown? I've known about her since I was a kid, and I assumed her existence was general knowledge among people.

Article says 4S, but it's not out for that. I just checked update now, nothing newer than 6.1.3 is available. Correct the damn article.

Here's how to do it: Use an open source encryption program. You can look through the source code and make sure there's no back doors. The government can't sneak anything by you that way.

I think it's really cool that records are coming back. I recently listened to Beatles on vinyl at my friend's father's house and the difference from digital media was amazing. I don't even know how to describe it, but there was a clarity digital just doesn't have. As he said, "It's nice to listen to uncompressed music

Here's the thing: I don't understand why you'd want to do this on vacation. I want to be more connected with technology on vacation, not less. For instance, I start using stuff like four square on vacation, something I never use at home.

I can get cable for free because of who I work for (Comcast) and I don't have it. Any decent show I want to watch is on Netflix. I can get movies from Netflix or tons of streaming sights online. Even for free, I can't justify getting cable. I just have no interest. Sometimes I try to watch TV at work on break. (We

I have a friend (the kind who believes every single conspiracy theory he reads) who is probably going to go nuts when he finds this out. For about the past year, he's been saying the government is soon going to be forced to admit there's millions of aliens living in the US, disguised as humans. (Yes, he really

Huh. Been on Twitter since August 2008 and the site shows no change in bio or picture. Now that I think about it, I guess I haven't changed it since I started using Twitter.

You'd see porn everywhere. So much porn...

Well, it's 2:15 and no sales. At this point, I've just accepted there isn't going to be a Summer sale this year.

For years, I've just been ripping movies off the discs I buy. Given that it's simple to do that, I don't really see the need to include digital copies. You effectively get a digital copy on the disc itself, it just takes the extra step of ripping to get it.

I'm expecting to hear this is "proof" of aliens existing on Coast to Coast any time now. On that show, anything that is at all abnormal proves the existence of either aliens or bigfoot. Or maybe an alien bigfoot.