
Yahoo should have just started destroying the data Prism wanted. They can't collect something that doesn't exist. That's exactly what I would have told my employees to do if I were CEO.

I always thought Netflix gave me some spot on recommendations. Then again, they just have to suggest cartoons based on comic books and I'll be happy. Or any British sitcom. Though, I'll admit, once in a while they go terribly wrong. (No, Netflix, I am not watching My Little Pony. I just watched Batman. Why do you

I don't have a problem with this, honestly. It's nice to not have sales tax, but tax money makes the country work. I don't mind at all.

It was most likely a T1 or T3 line, possibly ISDN, depending on what year it was and how many people shared it. (Though considering ISDN's max speed was 128k, or about double that of the fastest dial up, it's unlikely they shared that among many people. My college used 128k ISDN for the 80 or so computers in the

This makes me happy that the web didn't even exist when I was in high school. (Well, most of high school. It came into existence my senior year.) There's no embarrassing teen stuff out there from me. No emo rants about how I hate everything, and everyone is so mean to me, etc. In fact... honestly, I don't really have

At its most intense moment, I'm not sure which would be more painful. Child birth certainly lasts longer than getting hit in the balls pain.

You know, I haven't been drunk very much in my life (10-12 times at most), but I don't ever remember getting emotional. I've always felt like the only thing alcohol does to me is rob me of coordination, I notice very few other effects. I wasn't even slurring after I drank half a bottle of tequila in 2002. I could

I love boneless chicken (have never liked bones in my meat), and this look great. I hadn't heard about it and there aren't many KFCs around here, but I'm going to see if I can find some this weekend.

Links work fine through clients, though. I'm on TweetDeck and had no idea there was a problem until I saw this article. So another workaround is to use a client. (Which, imo, everyone should be using anyway.)

Several decades from now? Pharmaceutical companies have known how to cure cancer for years. They just aren't releasing it because it'd hurt their profits too much. Same goes with AIDS, actually.

I was actually just talking about this yesterday. The opinion of my coworker is, if North Korea fired a nuke at us tomorrow, we wouldn't retaliate against them with military operations because of everything that happened in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama wouldn't want to get us into another conflict when the public

I liked the reel to reel tape machine, I really did. I might bet he only one, but I'm going to miss it.

Maybe it's just me being skeptical, but why do I imagine the speed of this Internet connection being garbage? Like 1 or 2 megs down. Sure, you can get faster, but you have to pay more. It'd be fast enough to watch HBO Go, but not fast enough to do much else.

There was definitely no Kiwiburgers in New Zealand when I went there in 1995. However, all the McDonald's wrappers had tiny little kiwi birds on them. Well, I didn't check every single McDonald's in the country, but they weren't at any of the ones I went to. Too bad, I totally would have ordered that if for no other

Interesting article. I once had a coworker (who drank a _lot_) who said, "Alcohol doesn't make you forget anything. Anyone who says it has is lying and making excuses for acting badly." His logic being since it never happened to him, there's no way it has ever happened to anyone else. Kind of wish I was still in

I hope this isn't the only option. Considering my downstream is a whopping 1 megabit, i'd be faster to buy the game than waiting for days (yes, days) for the entire game to stream over.

"... the French national team reached the Six Nation finals for just the third time in the country's history in 2011, where they received a kiwi-flavored beat down at the hands of the New Zealand All Blacks."

Interesting. One comics fan I know, if asked to write about Geoff Johns' tenure at GL would have written the complete opposite. It'd be a long article about how Johns completely ruined GL. He's an older guy, been a Lantern fan since the 70s and absolutely despises Geoff Johns. So it's interesting to see an opinion the

I work for a cable company and could get free cable, but I don't. I don't see the need with all the streaming services around. I work odd hours at work and would never be home at the right time to watch the stuff I wanna see anyway.

Wait a minute. I thought there were no more MLB2k games after last year? I'm confused.