
The lack of Bavarian Cream on this list is disturbing. I'm not saying where it should go, but it should be there.

The answer seems apparent to me: Contact the IRS and ask them. If they tell you to cash it, you're in the clear. There's no morality question if they tell you to keep it. Most likely, they'll tell you to destroy the check.

I only ever jailbroke an iPhone once, and that was a 3G in 2008. I don't remember it being nearly this hard, so things must have gotten easier real fast. I think the jailbreak I did then was 4 steps. However, after 3-4 months of it being jailbroken, I realized I never used any of the jailbreak abilities except for

Interesting. I worked for Fleet (and then Bank of America, after they bought out Fleet) for five years in their credit card department. The "no passing the charge on" thing was actually a mandate of VISA and Mastercard, not the banks themselves. Though they've always been allowed to give a discount for using cash.

I hope this isn't true. After the horrible things Abrams did to Star Trek, I'm fearful. I could easily write a 10,000 word essay on why Abrams ruined Star Trek.

So, here's what I don't understand: The pins are spring loaded. Why don't the top ones pop down when the key turns? I don't see anything holding them in place. Seems like it'd ruin the lock after one use.

See, when I think of board games, I think of Monopoly. Or maybe Yahtzee. Or, perhaps, Life. My mind is now blown and I must acquire all of these. Also, force people to play them with me if necessary.

Well, the Roman Gods (as I understand it, was never too into Roman mythology) were essentially just renamed Greek Gods. Zeus, Jupiter. Aphrodite, Venus, Heracles and Hercules, and so on. So, I guess they're sort of the same thing, really. Bring Greek Gods back, and you have the Romans, too.

I've had the same PS2 for the past decade. Holy crap. I bought mine in mid 2002 and it still works. I'm gonna miss new PS2s.

I play a ton of Football Manager as well (110 hours in two weeks when I was unemployed a few years ago. Yikes.) and the original CK appealed to me for sort of the same reason. Haven't played CK2 much, but the FM mindset seems to translate well to CK.

I may need to give CK2 another shot. I absolutely _loved_ CK1. (And even bought other Paradox games to continue my empire through save game importing, though it was a bit of a shock to be in control of the country rather than the dynasty when I imported into Europa Universalis.) I tried CK2 shortly after it came out

I've been thinking about switching to Android after my iPhone contract is up in October. That's a good time, because the new iPhone should be available by then so I can evaluate that and then see what's going on in the world of Android. This article did give me a nice perspective. I'm not exactly a "pro" user, so some

About 15 years ago or so, I knew a guy who was convinced the Earth was (almost) flat. I pointed out we have pictures from space showing it isn't flat. His response? "The atmosphere is a sphere around the Earth and distorting what you see, like an imperfect lens. So the Earth looks round, but actually isn't."

In terms of Doctor Who, I've heard all sorts of interesting rumors. A friend of mine says it's "definite" every living actor to play the Doctor is going to be back for the 50th anniversary. (Which means everyone from Tom Baker on.) I didn't bother to ask him where he heard it, because it seems so incredibly unlikely I

Was Teapot really 167 megatons? If so, that's a gigantically huge bomb.

Though I've never done it, I always thought the point of the private booth in a porn was so you could jerk off. That's the only reason it's there. Or so I thought. Maybe not?

This seems a little odd for Gizmodo, but I can dig it, I guess.

Hmm.. and they can call it Identity Crisis! ... oh wait, maybe not...

None of the movies are on 616. The only thing set in 616 is the comics (most the time.) Any other media is always (no exceptions, as far as I'm aware) set on an alternate Earth. Marvel actually maintains a list. You see some weird stuff on that list. Google-Fu is failing me right now and I can't find the list, but I'm

Yes, yes, yes. I love that idea. Get it out of the way in 30-45 seconds or so, then get on with the real plot.