
Oh, good. Now I can upgrade to 6. Been sticking with the last version of 5 because I refuse to use an iPhone without Google Maps. Glad to hear it's out.

This isn't quite what the article was talking about, but not necessarily. At one point, anyone could grab the entire user/password list for any *nix system. Yes, the passwords were encrypted, but they could be broken. (I remember software I had in 1996 could do 120 attempts per second. I remember thinking that was

This reminds me of a conversation I had in 2002 with someone. Someone I barely knew. He claimed some scientist (whose name I sadly forget) had spent the past 40 years proving that the cosmological constant was actually correct and valid.

I'd say this is about right. My ex checked her phone during sex a lot, I didn't care. At all. I would imagine most people don't once they're actually in a relationship.

I've never liked Twinkies, those won't be missed. However, Hostess Cupcakes? Greatest thing ever. Overall, though, I've always liked TastyKake more than Hostess. But those cupcakes... damn, gonna miss them.

Interestingly, a lot of places on the web (like here, for instance) will actually strip the second space after a period. Therefore, even if you put two spaces, it's going to look like just one. Has something to do with the way HTML handles blank spaces. So I'm wondering how many people actually do use two spaces

This sort of reminds me of Shadow Cities. Shadow Cities gets really boring, really fast. Hopefully this'll be more engaging.

I was actually always taught in typing class in high school that you always use two spaces after a period. I recall my typing teacher being very, very insistent about it, too.

I've been thinking for a while now that gamers are much too obsessed with graphics. I'd much rather game developers stop trying to improve graphics and work on only improving gameplay. However, voicing this opinion around other gamers usually results in someone telling me to fuck off. GTA V does look improved over IV

This doesn't sound like his voice to me. It sounds like a normal computer generated voice, the kind we've seen for years. Wondering if this is a bit overhyped. Doesn't seem like anything special to me, honestly.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong here, but I got bored of it after about two minutes.

The majority of those could be from employees. Stuff like Olive Garden bathroom.. um, I don't know... janitor there?

I donated to the Cloudberry Kingdom Kickstarter and got early beta access. The game is phenomenal. Managed to survive for 8 seconds on masochistic once and was stupidly proud of myself.

I've never held an iPhone 5, but I get where they're coming from. Sometimes light feels cheap. For instance, I never upgraded from my original Nintendo DS because I didn't like how small the other ones were. (And I actually got made fun of constantly by my ex-GF's friend for using it on account of the size.)

Considering I constantly use (Google) Maps on the phone when I'm driving, I'm reluctant to upgrade to iOS 6 just for that reason. Think I'll stick with 5 until Apple Maps is considerably better.

I'm thinking I must have missed a ton. I dragged for 2 minutes and thought, "Yeah, that's probably everything." and stopped.

Apple Maps is why I haven't upgraded to iOS 6 yet. I use my iPhone's GPS constantly while driving. I'm scared to start using Apple Maps.

Hey, some people still buy porn. Well, I do in the form of a subscription to a website. I just find it easier to subscribe to a certain site that has what I want, rather than endlessly searching youporn or wherever and not ever finding exactly what I want.

Er, I actually like the way it looks. This makes me happy Lucas is trying something new rather than just changing the original trilogy around even more.

Interesting. I'd check it out except the site seems to be down. Not that I can read Japanese, so I probably learned as much by looking at the error page as I would have by looking at the Japanese.