
When I was 20, I was 6'2" and 160 pounds. I needed XL. Weird tht 20 pounds would do that.

At least it ended on a slightly upbeat note. Someone (can't remember who. Mordo, maybe?) gets some Demonic Sword and then tries to summon the Phoenix Force, saying he'll be more powerful than even the Living Tribunal once he has the Phoenix Force and he'll rule the universe. I'm unclear on how he'd control the Phoenix

I remember he did in one What If? I forget the exact name, but I think it was something like "What if The Avengers fought Galactus?" The Fantastic Four died from the cosmic radiation, so the Avengers were the only team available when Galactus showed up. They failed at stopping Galactus (Iron Man was shot down by

He criticized a specific size of tablet. I can't remember what size that is offhand. The iPad is larger than whatever he criticized, though.

I like the idea, a lot. Definitely spreading this one around. I was hoping the article and/or video would include a picture taken of the sun and stars, but I guess that's more hypothetical at the moment. Regardless, great idea. Hope it happens!

Just about every friend I have who went to college moved back in with their parents after graduation. For most of them it was just for a few months until they saved a bit of money from their jobs so they'd be financially stable, but they did move back in. Most my friends graduated during the tech bubble, though, so

That's the thing, though. People _are_ that stupid. I worked for 5 years in a call center for Bank of America. Some people are idiots. Just a short example: I once had a woman bitching at me that her 0% interest rate on her credit card wasn't good enough and she wanted something better. Yes, I'm serious. What did she

When I saw the pictures, I thought, "It looks a little like Steve Jobs, but it looks like Ashton Kutcher a lot more." I cannot possibly see this going well.

A friend of mine used to drop small chunks of dry ice into his drinks to make them bubbly. I never tried it myself (as I didn't drink at that time), but he said they were good that way. Bonus is it chills them without watering it down.

Is it really a problem at 4chan? I don't go there a lot (maybe 3 or 4 times a year) but I've never seen anything that looked like child porn. I always figured it was something that didn't actually happen there.

I think my DSL is actively rejecting this video, as it just won't load for me. I managed to see about 45 seconds of it, and I gave up. It could be worse, though, way worse. I have definitely heard worse rap before. About ten years ago (and maybe still now, I don't keep up) Houston had a big rap scene going on. Some of

Drives me nuts. I actually once had an argument with someone who insisted "would've" is a contraction of "would of" and either is right. I finally gave up on the argument, and I'm pretty sure he still thinks he's right.

In most cases, I just use a cloth towel. It's reusable and works fine. At work, my only option is the automatic towel dispenser, but I usually use one of those. (And our dispensers are messed up, I think. The towel it gives out is about half the size of the one in the video.) Most people at work seems to use 3 or 4,

Interesting. This article contradicts something I read a few years ago, saying the alcohol hand sanitizers are actually totally ineffective and don't do anything. Regardless, though, I'm glad to see I'm washing my hands correctly. My father was a freak about this when I was a kid and would actually stand there

I was hoping I'd be fast enough to say that before anyone else, but apparently not. Oh well.

I'm the opposite. If I have 6 tabs open, I'll think, "That's too many. I can't possibly need that many open." and start closing some.

I remember my father bought Einstein On The Beach when I was a kid. I also remember him telling me it was the worst piece of music to ever exist. I remember him ranting about how horrible it was. I never listened to it, but now I'm thinking I should. hmmm.

Great. It'll be Eve Online for real soon! Or maybe that series by Ben Bova whose name I forget. Asteroid Wars, maybe? Been about 6-7 years since I've read it. (And I still have Powersat sitting on my shelf unread, the prequel to the series whose name I can't remember.)

This is one of those things I sort of want to do solely for amusement. However, it's probably almost as bad as the Klout score based dating site. But still, I think it'd be really amusing to try it out.

No Windows 8 Ultimate?! Then what will the teen/early 20s gamers buy?! I've noticed a lot of them automatically get the Ultimate edition of Vista/7, thinking it somehow makes their games run better. (It probably makes them run worse, but they don't seem to care.)