
Amusing videos. But stuff like this is why I've never used craig's list and never will start using it.

I am so glad I don't work in Bank Of America's call center anymore. Way back when I worked for them (circa 2005-2006) they lost backup media with credit card information on it. They thought it could have potentially made it into the wild (so to speak.) About 50,000 accounts were compromised and we were _flooded_ with

I'm confused over why people are so mad at him. I've followed him for a pretty long time now and don't dislike him. He seems like a nice guy. I don't get why people are hurling insults towards him like this.

My friend's father claims to have broken his back by sneezing. Well, he definitely broke his back. But he claims it was from sneezing violently. Sneezing is apparently a life threatening thing.

You're probably thinking of Caliburn (Caledfwich in Welsh), the sword in the stone. (Some versions of the story say Arthur pulled Excalibur out of the stone, but Geoffrey of Monmouth names the sword in the stone Caliburn, and his version is about as authoritative as it gets unless you want to get into the Welsh

Maybe I'm in the target demographic or something, but I immediately thought, "Holy crap, I want that!" Then I saw the price and realized I couldn't, in good conscience, spend that much for what it gives you. Oh well.

Garbage like this is why I deleted my Facebook account. At least I know (should a company I interview with ever try this) I'll pass that part with flying colors. No account to look at, nothing negative to see.

Looks like it's time for me to start encrypting everything I download so my ISP can't tell what it is. I don't torrent anything illegal, but do torrent Linux ISOs and similar. Gonna be encrypting them just on principle. Most torrent clients, as far as I'm aware, support encryption.

I work in a call center and sometimes will get something similar to that while on the phones (though longer, maybe a quarter second) and it is hard to talk when you start hearing your words out of sync like that.

I don't think so. I'm not a huge physics guy, but my understanding is there's a theory in Quantum physics that says if you later anything in the past, you spawn a new timeline. So it doesn't matter if time machines exist or not, because you're essentiallycoming from another dimension and it's irrelevant. The problem

I have zero idea what I'd do with it, but I find myself wanting one...

It sounds pretty nice, but I'm pretty sure (for at least the first few times) I'd need to do a "verification wipe" to make sure evrything is clean there and I don't end up with brown streaks in my boxers. In fact, I think I'd be overly paranoid about it not being clean enough back there. Though the remote control does

This makes me think of one of my exes. Except she didn't even believe in dinosaurs, and thought it was scientists "willfully misinterpreting" what they found. She thought that nothing can become extinct, God won't let it. Therefore, if it doesn't exist now, it's never existed.

The big problem I see with this is, what if you can't use Chrome? I'd lose my job if I installed Chrome on one of our work computers, yet if I want to check my email (or bank balance, or whatever) at work, I'm stuck. We have to use IE here. Chrome knows all my passwords, but I can't get to Chrome so I need to memorize

Exactly what I said after the video finished: "What the fuuuuuck? THAT. WAS. AWESOME."

I thought the passage in question meant Germany had started it, which makes a little more sense than saying America started WW1. But maybe I'm misreading it?

To quote Ralph Wiggum, "It tastes like burning!"

I was actually happy whern iTunes came out, because I couldn't stand managing all my mp3s (which is all I used back then) manually and it was always a huge goddamn mess. Despite any other issues you may have with iTunes, it keeps everything very neatly organized.

Something about this doesn't sit right with me, and I can't quite identify what. But it makes me want to stay away from OSX. It's not like I can afford a Mac right now, so I guess I have some time to ruminate and figure out what's going on here.

Thanos being lead off by the NYPD made me laugh out loud. For a long time. I'm trying to imagine how that'd go today. Probably not as well.