
Woz wil never be in control. My undestanding is he has zero desire to be in that sort of position. He's an engineer. In the early days of Apple (when Woz was still an active employee) Woz designed things and let Steve sell them and make most the business decisions. I doubt we're ever going to even see Woz work for

I agree with you. I used to know this fellow who said, "If you think any police officer in this country isn't a criminal who can't be trusted, you're ignorant to the point where you don't deserve to be allowed to live." No, I don't talk to him anymore, btw. But my point is this: I'm happy to see there's other people

Lack of Ethernet would be annoying to me. I do backups on a NAS unit. It's stupidly slow over Wifi and much faster if I plug in a cable. So I use my laptop's ethernet port once per week to do backups. I would dislike it if I had a laptop without an ethernet port. It's not a deal breaker, but it is an issue.

Interesting. My father had a Secret clearance, NATO clearance and some other clearance whose name I can never remember for a job he had in the 80s. Wonder if I ended up with an FBI file just as a result of him getting those clearances. Hmmm...

This is incredible. I'm wondering if this technology (after decades of further work and research on it, of course) could make someone functionally immortal. ie, old age and disease is no longer a threat to them. They'd still be killed if (for instance) they were decapitated, but this technology seems like it could

The last time I was on a beach was 1995. Afte rreading this, I don't think that's going to be changing any time soon.

Arguments like the one here make me glad I just started keeping up with Facebook through TweetDeck. Facebook can change whatever they want, what I look at is staying the same. I honestly cannot remember the last time I went to Facebook itself.

Bricking the device? I thinkI'd really rather not take that risk. I don't have the cash to replace my 4S currently.

The World Wide Web is about 20. Depending on what exactly you want to count, you could say the Net has been around since as early as 1969. (If you're one of those people who count ARPANet as the Internet with a different name. Some don't. But it certainly created the basic technology, packet switching, that the net

This is ridiculous. Your argument appears to be, "A new feature of Google sucks. I could fix it with a single mouse click, but I refuse to do that. Therefore, Google sucks because of my behavior."

Interesting. If the supervolcano went off, I'd imagine it'll impact the whole world in a way similar to Krakatoa. eg, throwing ash into the atmosphere, dropping the world wide temperature for several years and thereby causing famine, and so on. While I doubt it'll be as loud as Krakatoa was (there were reports of

Reading this article, I think I must have gotten bad information earlier this week. I was told that SOPA had officially been abandoned and was never going to be voted on. But, the fact that this article even exists would seem to indicate otherwise. Time to do some research, I guess.

I just bought some Sennheiser headphones and am quite happy with them. I see this article and think, "Really, someone would take those over Sennheiser?" It reminds me of this guy I worked with 3-4 years ago who said Skullcandy headphones were what 'real audiophiles' used. When I told that to my audiophile friend, he

I'm not so sure I'd be interested in this, even if it had massive support. I'd rather see games that use new methods of control, rather than ones that put a mock control pad on screen and/or use a controller like this. I'll game on my PC and consoles if I want to use controllers.

I always thought charging to pay over the phone was standard for all companies. About ten years ago, I got a job at Fleet (since bought out by Bank of America) and, if you wanted to pay your credit card bill over the phone, it was a $15 fee. Some other company I dealt with as a consumer did the same thing. So I've

I think I'd argue Doctor Who should be under Iconic for Time Travel. People think of the TARDIS when they think of Doctor Who, not of Alien invasions. I consider myself a fan (have been watching since Tom Baker was the Doctor) and don't think of Aliens when I think of Doctor Who. I think of time travel.

Maybe it's just me, but I actually found this to be somewhat relaxing. Odd, as no one else seems to feel that way.

I gave up after 90 seconds, because I hadn't even cracked a smile. That's 30 seconds longer than I normally give a video. Oh well.

I tend to not care about that stuff. It's funny in that I had absolutely no idea what Timeline was when I read this article. My Facebook usage is so low (sometimes going months between visits to Facebook) I'm not surprised I didn't hear about Timeline until today. But the point is this: I don't engage in any of that

I'm with you. I'd love to see this be mandatory for all US Airports within the next 3 years, or whatever time frame is appropriate for implementation. However, I wonder how well it has been tested in terms of climate? Will an extremely cold day (say, in Michigan) make the concrete function less efficiently?