
Looks like Candlestick Park should have been more stocked up on candle sticks. Ironic, huh?

I used to work with this one guy who insisted the opposite. Correlation IS causation. I had some interesting conversations with him. And by "interesting" I mean "annoying."

Ah, conspiracy theories everywhere. I love it! Take that junk to Coast to Coast AM. (I'm not dissing C2C, either. I love the show.) Why would Twitter care what's trending? It's just what people are talking about.

I'd say there is. Most password managers encrypt the data and you have to enter a master password to log onto anything. Generally with browsers just going to the site will let you log in. So, if someone gets to your computer, they can access any site you have an account with just by going there. At least if you're

The place I work still uses IE6 and is refusing to upgrade for fear it'll "break something." They won't say what, though. Seeing as they use WSUS on the company domain, they'll likely be using it to block the update. I'm pretty sure they won't give IE6 up, no matter what. Unless Microsoft is doing something tricky, it

Wait, is there a reason why they can't just send in people in radiation suits to measure it? Or even a remote control vehicle of some sort? I don't see why they'd have (or want) to use monkeys for this.

So, we'll be a nation of Kung Fu wielding Manchurian Candidates. I'll put up with being a Manchurian candidate if I know Kung Fu.

This is ridiculously cool. I love it. Downloading it now. Always amused when a joke becomes serious. Maybe I'll start rating the textures in Skyrim. hmmm....

I don't see a problem with this. It's not like they tried to hide it. Leaving nature in undisturbed is always the best option. The vast majority of their footage is genuine, and that's good enough for me.

While this is very interesting from a technology standpoint, it seems like you'd be spending more time operating these features than actually driving. It seems terribly distracting. Hopefully when the times comes, it'll be integrated much better. I like the concept, I'm just unsure if the implementation shown is

gaaaaaah! You said midichlorian! gaaaah! Now I said it!

I would love this. That's one of the great things about the woolly mammoths: They lived in such cold environments that a lot of them didn't fossilize, they just froze. But the real question, I think, is this: Assuming this works, will there be enough genetic diversity for the mammoth population to become self

I've had enough of companies constantly changing their UI. gmail and Youtube did it recently, Facebook does it all the time. Just stop changing it. Leave it alone. No one wants it to change, you're just pissing off all your customers. I am not kidding when I say this makes me want to sell my 360 in protest of all

I never bothered to look through the achievements. Friend of mine told me marriage isn't actually in Skyrim and I've told at least 2 or 3 people the same thing, marriage in Skyrim is a rumor and not actually in the game.

Maybe it's just me, but I thought at about a minute in, "This isn't really very interesting." I think I'd rather play Mount & Blade if I want gigantic battles.

I don't know what kind of pepper that is, but I want some. Now.

I was in New Zealand for several weeks in 1995. They had $1 and $2 coins, and no paper money smaller than $5. I loved it. Get rid of the bills, I say.

That's awesome to know. Makes me appreciate the picture so much more now.

Oh yes, that was bugging the hell out of me.

My iPhone 4S lasts about as long as my 3G did. (around 10-11 hours if I use it light to moderately.) I don't really see a problem.