
The battery life on my 4S seems about the same as the life on my 3 year old 3G. But, also, my workplace is practically a farraday cage and my phone is always straining to get a signal. (Most people can't use their phone at all. I'm lucky in that, while data is slow as hell, at least I can actually use it.) I'm sure

I didn't really have a problem at all, but thanks to me having to work late, I didn't activate it until this morning (Saturday), so that may have something to do with it.

I must have been one of the lucky ones. My order went through right away, no problems at all. I really was perplexed why so many people were bitching about it.

It's funny, my friend was talking about this a few weeks ago. He was pretty insistent that, as long as the device was turned off, EMPs were useless in terms of disabling it.

I haven't kept up with physics much since the mid 90s, but I was told in college that they'd established particles can move faster than light in the 70s. My professor said it had been determined the speed of light is an absolute barrier. If something moves slower than light, it can never accelerate to light speed or

I've never understood why people have such a problem with Han not shooting first. But maybe it's just me. I'll swear on anything you want that the following is true: When I was a kid watching Star Wars, and that scene came up, I thought, "Why didn't they show the shot that Han is reacting to? That doesn't make sense."

There's one similar to this (in the sense it messes with your color perception) that's a green cylinder on a grey checker/chess board. On the website I found it, there were comments like, "Only an idiot would think those were the same colors, because they aren't." Ah yes, don't do any research into it at all or

Superman has has his power level lowered before. (And I'm not talking about 1 off comics from the 50s when he lost his powers and gained them back by the end of the issue.) But rather, in 1987 when DC rebooted everything after Crisis on Infinite Earths. Superman was practically unstoppable (even kryptonite wasn't very

Link at the end doesn't seem to work.

I only watched it once and didn't see anything either. I don't think I actually care enough to watch it a second time to try to find it.

I think this could beat my desktop, performance wise. Then again, I've been running the same hardware for just over two years now, so I'm a bit out of date. Nice laptop, way too expensive for someone who has been unemployed for almost a year, like me. (New job starting on Monday, though. Thank God...)

I've been hoping for something like this for years now. I don't have cable or satellite (or anything except broadcast TV) where I live. I briefly had cable from 1998-2001, but that's it, I've never had it any other time. The one thing I found is I ended up watching maybe 3 channels regularly and maybe 5 other

My friend is vacationing in Outer Banks, NC right now. I bet he's kind of nervous. Even if he comes home (outside Philly) he's still gonna get a blast from the hurricane. (I know, I live 3 miles from him and have been tracking the hurricane for several days now.) I guess it doesn't matter where he goes. Hurricanes all

I saw someone saying without Jobs, Apple will be bankrupt by the end of the year. I don't think it'll be quite that bad. I'm sure there are several products in the pipeline that were influenced enough by Steve to still that "Apple magic" people talk about, so that should keep Apple profitable for the short to mid

I thought the same thing. "Her angle relative to the camera is all wrong, she's holding the laptop wrong, she didn't even try to match the clothes..."

It's weird, I don't ever use like on Facebook and pretty much none of my status updates get liked by any of my friends. I always thought it was an almost entirely unused feature. Apparently not.

If I didn't have a horrible headache, I'd do it right now. Kinda cool trailer, I guess, though.

Wow, I pay so little attention to Palm I didn't even know HP had bought them out. I read the headline and thought, "WebOS is Palm, not HP. HP can't kill it."

My father started investing in stocks before I was born, and from the ages of about 13-23 (when I moved out after college) basically forced me to learn about investing to "help" him. (Really all I was doing was creating charts of his stocks with 10 day moving averages, highs and lows for specified time frames, etc.

Wow, if Kodak is selling all its patents, whoever buys it is going to be getting some old patents. Ones from the 19th century. (They got a patent on film in the 1880s.)