
This has to be the work of the GOP. I see no other possibility. Regardless of that, there's no way this law will stick. None. Even if it were to, it's unenforceable.

Now, not being a woman, I could be wrong here... but that doesn't look like it fits real well to me.

Yes, but can the best human score 900,000 vs the AI ghosts? I bet he couldn't. The best Ms Pac Man players work off patterns. The standard ghosts respond in predictable ways, the same way every time. The AI would break those patterns, and the best human players may or may not be able to react well enough to overcome

People make mistakes and do stupid shit sometimes. I'm don't live in an area where I can vote for him, but I still would vote for him if I could. How gives a shit what he does in his private time? All I know is he's one of the only people in congress who calls the rest of the congress out on their bullshit and we need

Yeah, same here on Verizon. I hope they get their stuff together soon.

I have an iPhone 3G, still using the last version of 3. I just don't feel like I'm missing anything here. Still no plans to upgrade past what I'm using now.

After reading this, I excitedly downloaded the game only to see a totally blank map. Apparently no one plays in my area. Guess I'll let it sit idle for a few weeks and check it again to see if anyone is playing around here. Too bad, game sounds fun.

That would make sense. I lived in Indiana County for about 4 years and, I can confirm, there's Amish everywhere. (Almost as many in Jefferson County as well, actually.)

I don't know... the thought of not having windows in a graphical OS actually triggers huge amounts of rage in me. But, then again, in the 80s I used DOS and never had a window of any kind and was perfectly fine. So maybe I just need to calm down about this.

This article makes me think of my old job. They'd have surprise "email inspections" where they'd look through the work email of employees to make sure they were keeping stuff organized in folders. They did the same thing with employee desks, looking through drawers and stuff. I didn't stay at that job very long

Okay, I feel dumb now. I've seen this happen once or twice on my Twitter friend's list and seriously thought it's the new way to say "Using Twitter while I take a dump." ... so I've poopin'ed myself at least twice now. Great. Fail on my part.

I find a few interesting things in this article. I don't know my exact friends count (blasphemy!) but it's in the range of about 45. Just a few weeks ago I was thinking, "That's way too many. I should really cut some out." Apparently, I'm well below the average user.

Back in 2001, I started working for Voicestream (now T-Mobile) in one of their call centers. On day one in training, they showed us this 5 minute video on concealing cell phone towers. I have no idea why. The only thing I really remember is them showing one disguised as a cow in a field. Ever since then, I've been on

You're quite right. When I was a kid, my parents absolutely forbid me to drink soda. (Both my parents were health nuts.) When I finally tried it for the first time (around 17/18) I thought, "This stuff is terrible." But if you drink it a lot (like I did when I got married, my wife drank soda almost exclusively, so

I could be wrong here, but I think the sex offender thing is more for people who get caught touching kids. I don't think you're considered a sex offender if you get busted with a prostitute.

This makes me sort of happy that I've never upgraded past the last version of 3. (For performance reasons, since I'm using a 3G.) Though this is sort of scary at first, I kind of wonder if it's really that useful unless you're going somewhere you shouldn't be going.

More than anything else, I realize how damn slow my DSL is when reading this. If I were to download a 4GB movie, it'd take roughly 8 hours. I'm looking at the 6 meg speeds and thinking, "Wow, I'd love to have that."

I don't know who is tweeting for the Gizmodo account right now, but they're very insistent this article isn't a prank. The commenters seem to believe the opposite. I'm confused! I don't know whether to believe this article or not!

I try to avoid tailgating, because I'm insanely paranoid about accidents. I remember one time I was on a busy highway and, every time I got enough space between me and the person in front of me, someone would merge into that space from the other lane. It was annoying. But yeah, I think tailgating is a huge problem.

I got the impression at first this was a list of accidents, but it actually isn't. Just bad things that happened as a result of radioactivity, basically. While I don't like the idea of a nuking a country, it was probably the best option available at the time. Back in High School, I had this teacher who told us the