
I notice several commenters have said this proving nuclear power is unsafe. I'd actually argue they have it backwards. I think this proves it is safe. It took an earthquake of extreme magnitude to actually cause any problems. It's not like fukushima constantly has these sorts of issues. Now, admittedly, they'll need

Someone just linked this video to me and said, "It starts with what seems like a little bit of water, and a minute or two later, buildings float by." and, prior to watching, I thought, "There's no way he means buildings LITERALLY float by. That just isn't possible."

Yeah, never realized how much tech Biggie mentioned. I'm not a giant fan of his, but I do own his first two albums.

In 18 years of driving, I've never hit a single thing while backing up. Ever. There's no need for cars to have a camera like this.

@Agrippa: I've argued over people with pronunciation of words before. the absolute worst argument I heard (for someone who said "me me" for meme) was, "Someone made the word up so it isn't a REAL word, and that means it's impossible for it to have a correct pronunciation." That argument doesn't even make sense...

@CaffineFreakUs: Wow, and that doesn't make you sick? I'm the opposite. I'll buy a 16 oz Mountain Dew at the start of a shift at work and, 8 hours later, I won't have drank it all.

@Daniel Galea: I'm wondering as well. Last time he left Apple (well, forced out), they pretty much went to pieces. But I think he has a better management team in place this time so they'd likely be all right for the short term, anyway.

@drbotts908: I would imagine it's just a formality. If he's having health issues, I can't imagine them saying No.

I am not a big fan on Instamatic. One girl I follow on Twitter refuses to take a picture without Instamatic, and tweets them constantly. I find it annoying to intentionally make a picture look worse. I don't get why others like this app so much.

Google around for articles about this where you can leave comments. People are going ballistic over their sign changing. It makes me sad for humanity to see people getting this pissed off over something that's complete horseshit.

@SumanolataClymene: It's probably about as effective as that fan on a sailboat would be as well. That is, completely useless thanks to Newton's Third Law.

@ivan256: This is true. I recently realized that I've had rollover minutes for about 4-5 years now and, out of those years, I've actually gone into using rollover minutes precisely once, in December 2006. Otherwise, they just build up and expire. But I think every AT&T plan has them now, but they're mostly useless

@trs: I don't think it's a matter of allowing it. I think CDMA just cannot operate that way.

@DrinkYourMilk: That's what killed any chance of me switching to Verizon, and I was actually thinking about it after talking to a few of my friends who had Verizon, realizing I had a lot of misconceptions about them.

@Captain Picard: I had a similar problem when I was a kid. I thought the entire 5th Symphony was just the first movement, and all those other tracks on my dad's CD was some other piece of music.

Verizon locks down its phones to a point where they'd probably cripple the fuck out of the iPhone, so I think I'll stick with AT&T.

I knew my DSL was slow (1m down, 384k up) but I didn't know it was so slow as to not technically qualify as broadband. I've checked with Verizon and I could get 50 meg FiOS at my house... but I'm coming off a 15 month stint of being unemployed and still can't afford even their cheapest FiOS connection, thanks to all

My mother uses phone books constantly. When I told her about this (more to see a reaction than anything else) she said the phone companies should be sued if they stop making phone books.

@tater_salad: I rely on them all! I have four alarms (one iPhone, two clocks plugged into the wall, one battery powered clock) waking me up every day. All four go off at the same time. (Synchronizing them was a bitch, and one gains time and has to be resynced every week.) So not everyone uses just an iPhone/cell