
You DON'T have to set the alarm manually every day? That's what I've been doing for the 2 1/2 years I've had my 3G. Interesting.

Interesting article. I'm always astounded by the number of people who think piracy is fine. I used to know this guy who torrented pirated software pretty much 24/7 and always said he was doing it to "teach greedy software companies a lesson" and honestly saw himself as some kind of hero to the "oppressed masses."

I shined a regular laser pointer (one I got at a dollar store) into a friend's camera once and he freaked the fuck out. He was positive the electronics would "over compensate" for the brightness and the camera would burn out instantly. I should show him this video.

I think the problem is 3D in its current form sucks. It isn't even really 3D, it's just a couple layers, close, medium and far. Those layers themselves are flat. Try making 3D that doesn't suck and people might start getting interested.

Is it wrong that I think the CD Player looks incredibly awesome?

That reminds me a lot of my first phone. I got a cheap ass monochrome Nokia in 2002. (Came free with whatever cell phone plane I got.) I'd imagine it's probably fairly similar to the 1100 in terms of firmware, though the phone physically looks quite a bit different. (That messages screen, for instance, looks exactly

This is why I don't play SC2 online. Just do single player offline. People can hack all they want and it won't cause me any kind of problem at all.

@crmurray04: To see Vader in between Episodes 3 and 4, you pretty much need to go to the expanded universe. There are books covering that time frame, and though I'm not too familiar with the expanded universe, I can't imagine there aren't a few out there that are about Vader.

I didn't think Episode 1 was really great (and remember having to endure endless flame wars over its quality on a mailing list I was part of at the time.) Episode 2 was a hell of a lot better, and Episode 3 was the best of the prequels, nearly on par with the originals, I think. I know plenty of people, though, who

Are we supposed to pad it out to 30 seconds saying whatever we want, or do we just have to get "Katie, will you marry me?" in 30 seconds or less? (that is, can we submit a few second video saying nothing but "Katie, will you marry me?)

@Cosmopolitan: It's only quick if you're near the blast. If you're a few miles out (exact distance depends on the megatonnage), you're going to suffer for hours or, if you're unlucky, days. A little further than that, months or years. Even further than that, you may seem okay at first aside from minor burns only to

I don't know anything about guns, so I can't comment on what some people say. (bullet should be deformed, bullet doesn't show the right marks on it from being fired, etc.) However, from a physics standpoint, I'm left wondering. They didn't fire straight down, so it could have skidded along the ice, given an impact

Reminds me of one of my exes. She's one of those people who always looks awful in pictures but she was cute as hell in real life. It was bizarre.

@confusedpublic: He did that same experiment with American kids (for the Food Revolution show that aired earlier this year) and, to his great horror, they wanted the chicken nuggets anyway. So he made nuggets out of the goop he'd created and the kids ate them right up.

This is why I don't put my laptop directly on my legs. I have a laptop cooling board thing with fans in it. When my desktop's PSU died earlier this year, I ended up using the laptop for 9 or 10 hours a day for a few weeks and never had a problem like this at all, thanks to the cooling board.

This could be a case of local news jumping the gun, but they literally (right after I read this) ran a story that the iPhone is definitely coming to Verizon and it isn't a rumor. (That's actually their specific wording. "It isn't a rumor anymore, it's fact now.")

6 months ago I wanted an iPhone 4, prior to it even being officially announced. Today, I still want an iPhone 4. Though I'm unemployed at the moment and can't justify buying a new phone when my current phone (iPhone 3G) still works fine. But, eventually, I'll get a new iPhone.

@diesel828: It's probably bad that I thought, "Probably none. Why you friends request someone you don't know personally?"

I've never had a problem with hipsters because I've never been able to figure out how to define one.

I honestly have no idea what this article is talking about. Twitter looks the same as it always has. Hmmm.