
I think maybe you need to have seen Inception to get that effect? I've never seen it and didn't get "everything is ending" effect at all.

You know, I've always thought it worked this way. I found it out in the mid/late 80s (You don't actually own software, you license it) and thought I had never changed. This ruling really doesn't change my view of the world.

Ah yes, when I was a kid in the mid eighties, I found out about boxing around 84 or 85 just a few years before it started to become obsolete. I was never did it for two reasons: I was scared shitless of being caught and I didn't have enough know how to put the boxes together correctly. But I found instructions and

The D Pad on the original controllers has never bothered me. I always thought it was fine, so this new controller seems pointless.

I'd think Reed Richards would have been a better choice than Tony Stark. Richards is way more prolific than Stark.

@willyolio: It's still spelled gigawatts, it's just how "giga" was pronounced in the eighties. (And, apparently, in parts of Europe. A few months ago I saw a YouTube video where a European mentioned a 250 "jigabyte" hard drive.)

I used to be one of those people who thought the cheap earbuds sounded as good as the expensive ones. My friend (who isn't an audiophile, but gets audiophile tendencies from his father) and I once had an argument over iPod earbuds (which I was using at the time), with me insisting they sounded as good as anything

@NaraVara: You're right about the bass. My brother-in-law once said the following to me: "The only thing that matters in a sound system is the subwoofers. Everything else is worthless."

I'd been using DOS since 1984, so tuning up the autoexec.bat was nothing new for me, though I was slow in using Windows 95 and 98 was almost out when I finally got my hands on a copy of Windows 95. I didn't find it terribly unstable, but it definitely bugged me at times. That's the thing: Starting with Windows 95,

I visit a surprisingly large number of those regularly. Wow.

This is one of the extremely few movies I class internally as "perfect movies." It's a movie where I cannot find a single thing I don't like about it. Not a single damn thing. If I wrote a review, I had a section that says: "The Bad: n/a"

I'd just send them a check for 1 cent, figuring a check for 0.00 might fuck something up.

Something "feels" wrong about the atmosphere of this trailer. I don't know, this trailer actually made me less excited for the movie. I'm going to see it anyway, though.

Stuff like this is why I never use address books. They can try to exploit it, but they aren't going to find anything.

I don't think 3D will really catch on until they can overcome what I see as the biggest annoyance: You only have layers of 3D. Nothing on the individual layers has any depth. I find that distracting enough that I don't like watching 3D.

@dc-united: I think what he's getting at is two is twice as big as one. 2 calls per 100 dropped is twice as much as 1 call per 100 dropped.

I just can't envision Jobs admitting there's a problem. The best I can do is see him saying the users are creating problems by their behavior. (they're holding it wrong.) I am going to be pretty shocked if he comes out and admits there is a design problem. I don't think he will, though.

@N@tedog: I did that at my old work once (trying to go to porn sites, though) just to see if they monitored any blocked attempts. No one ever said a thing to me about it... so maybe you're in the clear too.

I've actually always held my phones in a way that wouldn't have a problem. (Take two fingers, put them about where the apple design is on the back, push it against your ear) I have no idea how I started doing this, but I have been doing it for years.

I didn't upgrade to 4 because I don't see the point with a 3G. Having read this article, I'm now even happier with my decision to not upgrade.