If I have my numbers right, the money he “saved” by eliminating health benefits for 9000 people is equivalent to the money he makes in 6 hours.
If I have my numbers right, the money he “saved” by eliminating health benefits for 9000 people is equivalent to the money he makes in 6 hours.
Stop it. Stop attacking women for having opinions, speaking out, and trying to make things better. What the hell happened to Jezebel? I’ve been around here for years, and recently the rhetoric has just become so hateful and isolating. This is ridiculous.
This is the second day in a row that this site has thrown shade - or in this case blatant criticism - at Jameela Jamil. She is one of the few celebrities using their platform to bring attention to how our culture judges women on their size and this site picks her to focus on? Did she kick your puppy?
“has been co-opted recently by women of totally socially-acceptable, skinny shapes and sizes who think the movement is just for anyone who feels good or wants to show off their armpit hair”...You guys know that Jameela has a history of eating disorders since childhood, right? And that she was severely fat-shamed by…
Man, people really can’t win. Jameela Jamil has been saying mostly the right things for a long time, and backs it up by taking celebrities who hawk dangerous ideas and products to task. So she’s not the first to say these things, does that mean she shouldn’t say them? Or that she deserves this snotty recap of her…
“Jameela Jamil, patron saint of reminding the world that we live in a superficial and sexist society as if she were the first to discover that, is taking her “activism” in a slightly different direction.”
Yikes, why all the snark? Jameela makes mistakes and then apologizes and learns. Isn’t that what we want from…
Something I think is kind of funny is that sometimes Halsey is authentically a dead ringer for the person Pink was pretending to be. I wonder if she has complicated opinions on that.
He lives with his mom, or his mom lives with him (semantics), because they both agree it’s what is needed for his mental health, and that isn’t kind to be snarky about.
I once broke up with a guy because he said he wouldn’t watch a foreign film I recommended to him “because he didn’t like to read movies.”
This is the best piece I’ve read on jezebel in years.
While I see what you’re saying, this is far too good of an opportunity to pass up. I think it’s actually showing that “excellence” is a myth, because even AFTER achieving so much, they are STILL refused pay. If anything, using this as an example quells the stupid idea that somehow it’s all a meritocracy and women just…
The Guardian framed this story differently:
DNA testing conspiracy theorists
I actually took away something else from the documentary - I’d only ever heard the much vaguer stories of Bundy, as handsome/charming/intelligent. While I completely agree that the documentary virtually ignores and dehumanizes the victims, I think it actually demystifies Bundy to some extent.
I watched this over the weekend and was rather surprised by the obsession with how charming he was. He wasn’t meeting these women in bars and inviting them back to his place after hours of drunken flirtation. He was literally pretending to be injured and asking for their help carrying stuff to his car or whatever,…
That is probably one of the most comprehensive lists of household chores and child rearing tasks I have ever read. Have you ever shared this list with your partner? Not giving advice, I’m just curious how he reacted. I'm guessing defensively.
Absolutely, but it wouldn’t have the same effect. It wouldn’t matter the same way as the initial actions because this is practically the Platonic ideal of bullying. Seriously, all this shit (this guy and Steve King and every other one of these limp-dicked, alpha trash assholes) is just my seventh grade writ large.
I’m calling bullshit...the Surviving R. Kelly people reached out to her as one of his past collaborators and she opted to not participate. She also could have released a statement before it aired. This is damage control pure and simple.