
Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

15 years ago, 16 year old me thought Bob Ley was lame. About five years ago, I started realizing how awesome Bob Ley really is. This is the icing on the Bob Leyer cake.


I see how it's rude for the guest, but your cousin sounds pretty disturbed if this small issue caused her to run away from her wedding and hide.

Your cousin is a child, and her dad an asshole. They could have been ADULTS about the situation and ignored it, but their reaction was pure childishness.

Please let it be this guy!

I live with all men (husband, sons) and they are never not talking. NEVER. And I’m a super extrovert and I’m like making plans to build a bunker under the house to escape the mindless, endless, pointless chatter that fills my ears at all times.

FIFA is ordering out for lunch today.


Feels like America just won the World Cup.

If this conversation had been allowed to take place a couple more times in history, the planet would be in better shape now.

Except that guyis wacking the family next to him in their faces swinging his shirt around like a fucking moron. She may suck, but he sucks a lot more.

Has a non-millennial ever read a story on this site?

I was trying to come up with a comment for this to explain how I felt about this post, I defer to you

He beat a fat piece of shit. Granted, a fat peace of shit that had the balls to get in the ring with this James Bond villain looking motherfucker. I don’t know what I’m supposed to take away from this.

Man, that was good. You know, between this and his appearance on Extras and every single thing Coldplay has ever done, I’m really convinced Chris Martin should focus full-time on Comedy.

Not sure what makes me feel older: Letterman retiring or two members of Nirvana performing in tuxedos (non-ironically)?

The east coast west coast thing is silly. Breweries have had so much time to cross styles that it doesn’t mean anything any more.

“an East Coast version of a West Coast-style IPA.” That means it’s hoppy.