Are they also planning on making 1.7 million 1:1 scale assholes that completely ruin the experience for everyone who hangs out there?
Are they also planning on making 1.7 million 1:1 scale assholes that completely ruin the experience for everyone who hangs out there?
Dear God, help us.
The naivety of “Just turning down the headphones” when characters start cussing is easily the best reason this kid is simply too young to play GTA.
$150 for a controller? Why back in my day we could get a console with 2 controllers and a game for $150!
All the people that think this mission is horrible and therefore should be removed seem to have missed the entire point of the mission.
Yes its horrible, thats the fucking point. Terrorism is horrible. And the best way to convey that message, is putting you in the middle of it.
Life...uhh... finds a way..or in this case addiction fueled creativity..instead of life
Or you just buy it with windows and you have a $400 machine you can use to play some hugely popular games (MOBAS, Many MMO’s, Counterstrike probably).
This would be a lot more fun if the matchmaking put you with people on the same level as you, instead of with the people who have been playing for a few days and have everything unlocked.
Japanese streamer Daasuke took a break from playing Minecraft to show off his new oil-match lighter. That’s when…
That’s true, but he also probably just needed some basic knowledge of how fire works. He was sort of trying to smother it with the blanket at one point, and that would have worked, except the way he was doing it, it was half fanning the flames, half smothering. Put the damn blanket on top all the way smothering the…
Bullshit. It has become trendy to talk shit on Steam like you are doing, Origin IS bad, and EA were the babies who refused to put any of their games on Steam which is why they are suffering. There is nothing about Origin that is better than Steam, and when it comes to actual features Origin is absolutely pathetic.…
That’s probably based on the fact that one is run by Valve, a company who has had the gamer’s interest at heart most of the time (although they aren’t perfect, at this article clearly explains) and the other is owned by EA, a company who has repeatedly ruined many game franchised and continues to run others into the…
I mean, sure it’s great if all you want is EA games. Apart from their piddly non-EA offerings, that’s all there is.
Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.
As an alcoholic, this joke feels in poor taste and even poorer judgement.
So I can stream Trevor banging the hell out of a prostitute in a car in GTA, but I can’t stream a game where I sensually rub another guy’s back?
Decapitation, disembowelment, torture, mutilation, all cool...
I hate that all these mysteries are uncovered and solved by people digging into the game files.
“Randomness can help protect new players. When you can point to something, like ‘oh I lost because he got Huffer’ [one of the minions that can spawn off of the Hunter spell Animal Companion]. It feels like you didn’t necessarily lose because you played worse, the truth is you got within four health of losing, and that…
Eighteen months ago, the people who make World of Warcraft and Diablo released a card game. Players liked it, for…