
Nearly 100 years old, still not in public domain. Thanks Disney.

‘customized desktop’ on os x = new wallpaper

I like watching videos of people watching videos while watching videos on youtube...


One of the Best esports plays ever

I’m going to miss these times when 8-bit and retro stops being cool. It has a very wonderful feel and can create unique looks for many things.

A mafia game centered around a dude taking over territory and killing mafia dudes is too violent? What's he going to do ask to kill them politely?

This is quite hilarious and depressing at the same time... I am slightly confused...

Fuck you Konami, seriously... FUCK YOU.

Oh? And how much would they make vs. how much would they spend? Maybe you should send your report to Capcom.

They can’t all be keyboard finger strength champions like you.

Classic relevant video game post to be shared on Kotaku

Also, if Steam Guard was enabled, the account was protected from unauthorized logins even if the password was modified.”

All about choice. The only puzzle is why they keep using a terrible engine that makes their games unplayable at times.

I have to agree with Dr.Chimp a bit here. I mean sure they are pushing a lot out there, but that engine needs a overhaul. First Walking Dead sold 1,7 million in Steam, huge franchise like Game of Thrones has done 266 thousand so far. There’s certainly a bit of a fatigue concerning the rehashing from them.

not really a shit ton, they have been using the tired old formula for years they need to change things up a bit, i mean even life is strange looks better as episodic now .. “creeper will remember thissss”

cool way to announce a new game

Aaaaaaand this is why surrender options suck. So glad there isn’t one in HotS.

cool story bro.