
I’m having trouble with step 6 of the “Step Three: Plug Everything In and Power On” section. Basically, when I hit “./install.sh”, I get an error that points me to the difference between armel vs armhf.... this is on a Raspberry Pi B+.
Any suggestions?

what about with the Pi B+?
There’s an issue with the binaries .... armhf vs armel

I’m stuck on step 6, ./install.sh
I’m getting an error “package architecture (armhf) does not match system (armel)“
I’m guessing this has to do with the way the binaries are built for Kali... other than using a Raspbian image, any suggestions?

I’m stuck on step 6, ./install.sh
I’m getting an error “package architecture (armhf) does not match system (armel)“
I’m guessing this has to do with the way the binaries are built for Kali... other than using a Raspbian image, any suggestions?

I’m stuck on step 6, ./install.sh
I’m getting an error “package architecture (armhf) does not match system (armel)“
I’m guessing this has to do with the way the binaries are built for Kali... other than using a Raspbian image, any suggestions?