
“Fuck you! You’re getting a fucking embellishment!”

*breathes sigh of relief they didn’t some how pull Chip Kelly*

True, true. Team basketball seems more important that the star system right now in the NBA (Lebron you don’t count)... weird. INSERT DRAKE/FUTURE MIXTAPE TITLE MEME HERE

Not to be all “blah blah the Nba is terrible” or whatever, but does it not feel like the level of basketball is just down around the league this year? Rockets suck, Thunder are meh, Spurs and Cavs are the second and third best teams without really exerting themselves. I fucking love watching the Warriors play and hope

Lol he’s from Chicago too. He’s not even an ex-fan or anything.

“ did several cusses at each other”


That was as noble of an ass kicking I’ve ever seen on the internet.

Yeah i know. I’m just saying this is stupid. “Michigan alumni smiles when team is winning”. He was probably frowning when they were losing too. It’d be funny if he was talking shit or something, but this just turned into me staring at things in the background looking for a joke.

Is it just because he has a Michigan hoodie on or....?


I like how you repeated the joke for emphasis :)

lol ask the cardinals if they'd take him

Here's why football is stupid. (I love it, obviously)

If Dez had stretched out 3 inches further and broken the almighty plane of the endzone, then the refs would've most likely ruled it a touchdown; stating the ball coming lose was irrelevant, because Dez broke the plane while reaching out, which is a football move.

Oh my God. How was he not sent off?

Clearly signaling the CIA, IMHO

Lol I cant wait for PFTcommenter's MMBM. I've already seen so many HOT TAEKs about this I'm almost giddy

Anyone else find it hilarious that Harbaugh declared the Patriots were using "blatant deception", or whatever he said?

yeah, yeah Deadspin hates Gifs